Now that the contractors are gone and the septic has been inspected and passed it's time for Mike and I to get started in the septic lines that will run from the building to the septic tank. We have to run 60 feet of pipe.
Mike in the ditch line with all the plumbing parts:
Adding a pipe that has a spot for the building septic line and also one for the van:
Using the cleaner and then the glue to seal the 4 inch pipes:
Instead or purple we are going with the blue cement this time. We had some problems with the purple when we did the pipes inside the slab:
Getting the 10 foot pipes connected and making sure we go slightly down hill into the septic tank:

Making the turn to get it into the tank:
Now we have to get the lid off the tank. Since it is too heavy for us to lift we need a little help from the tractor. I chained it up and Mike lifts it:
Getting the pipe inside the tank:
The septic system is complete. Now we just have to cover it and clean up:

Doing some by hand to make sure all of the pipes are sloped to the tank:
The messes we make:
Mike starts to fill the ditch:

It will take some time but eventually we will have grass on all of this:

Next up...back to building!!