
Friday, May 15, 2020

Insulation, Wiring, Drywall and Kitchen Install

Good morning. many things going on in this update.  I'm making up for yesterday's story:)  We are almost ready to turn this building into a house:)  Now this is exciting.  We have been living in the original bedroom and I have been using my temporary kitchen for months.

This is the picture of the second bathroom.  At this point we still had the barn door which we eventually closed in.  Mike has to break up the concrete so the bathtub will fit in place:

Carefully working on it until he can fit the rest of the plumbing in:

And whoosh just like that onto another project, lol.  It's time for my favorite, insulation:)  And Mike did all of the electrical wiring in the walls:)

The kitchen wall is complete.  Look how pretty and neat:)

Working on the other kitchen wall:)  We are getting ready for the drywall.

And there's that patio door:)  We are finished.  All wiring and insulation in the walls and the ceilings:)

Mike and I "can" do drywall but it takes us forever to do it.  It is one job that we really both hate.  We decided to hire a crew to drywall the rest of the house for us.

They start with the ceiling:

One crew came and hung all of the drywall and another man came by himself to do all of the finish work.  The man who did the spackling and sanding was excellent.  He had some cool tools to make his job easier.  

The owner came back to do the texture spray for us.  The bathroom:

Ceiling in the second bedroom:

And now it's time for Mike and I to paint.  As usual I will do the cut in and Mike will roll.

The only bad part about our drywall man was the waste, which we paid for.  And they left it all on our patio for us to clean up.  I don't know how contractors expect "normal" people to do this.  Anyway Mike and I loaded it all up and took it to the dump.  Once it was out overnight it was too damp to save.  We did salvage a few pieces for patching.

After the drywall and painting was finished Mike and I finished the flooring throughout the rest of the house.  We used the same Luxury Vinyl Tile. I love the color as it always looks clean:)

And now for Lisa's joy:)  My kitchen.  Yay!!!  I went with darker colors as I do like the wood cabinets as opposed to painted cabinets.  Cost wise, of course I went with RTA "ready to assemble" cabinets.  I used this company and was very happy with them.  My cabinets  Their prices were great and they did a great job in helping me layout my kitchen although I really didn't need that but it was a good double check for my numbers:)  I went with the Forevermark cabinets.

The day the boxes arrived.  YRC was the freight company that was used and our local terminal was fantastic to work with.   My review:)   "Fantastic local trucking company. I was anticipating a delivery of kitchen cabinets. I called and gave Marcell a heads up on my tracking in hopes of arranging a quick delivery appointment. Marcell called me the morning my shipment arrived to the our local facility and Dan delivered it to my house within a few hours. Dan is a very nice man and was very patient and helpful during the unload. It is rare to find people who do what they say they will. Thank you so much Marcell for calling me early and allowing me to have my cabinets a day sooner than expected."

The boxes are in the house...oh joy, lol.

The organized mess and Mike doing his thing.  I put the drawers together while Mike did the boxes.

Almost finished:)

It took Mike and I about 3 days to assemble and install all the cabinets:)

I looked at countertops and was going to go with laminate but Mike talked me out of that.  So I went to a kitchen store to look around.  I fell in love with a Quartz sample but fell out of love as soon as I saw the price, lol.  I ended up going with a contractor grade granite.  I'm not a huge fan of granite but it does dress the kitchen a little more than laminate and it didn't cost that much more.

And now for my kitchen.....

Ta da!!!  It looks a lot like my TN kitchen minus to solar refrigerator, lol.

I love my kitchen and it is "my" workshop:)

Next up...traveling back and forth to take care of the TN property while our "goat girls" watch our new babies:)

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