
Monday, May 18, 2020

My Favorite "Goat Girls"

And it's back to the goats.  We've had some really great experiences and a couple of sad ones.  Our little Billie got sick and we took him to a local "goat" vet.  He had coccidiosis which young goats are susceptible to and we lost him and another girl who we treated the same way that vet told us to.  We have learned a lot since then and now It's time for a nice story:)

My "goat girls".  I love these girls.  They are 3 sisters who watch the goats for us when Mike and I need to go back to TN to take care of things.  Our first summer here we knew we would have to go back to TN to take care of the property and we had no idea who could watch the goats for us.  The woman who we bought Oreo and Shadow from lives close to us and she has 3 wonderful daughters.   I decided to call her and ask if the oldest girl would be interested in watching our goats for us.  We set a time and she brought all 3 girls over.  They are a package deal:) and I am glad for that.   I talked to the mother and she said "I'll be in the car.  This is for them to take care of".  So Mike and I did an informal interview with the girls and hired all three of them:)

The girls were hired to come twice a day to check up, feed and clean up after the goats.  They also sent me pictures every day while we were away.  Here are the pictures of our first time away.

Erin, Emily and Tiffany are making sure our baby goats are getting attention:)

I love farm girls.   Emily in her dress & flip flops holding Cocoa Nut:)

Erin and Cocoa

Emily and Oreo.  Oreo was one of theirs and they used to call her "Cow".  On one side Oreo looks like a cow and the other side she looks like an Oreo cookie.

Tiffany holding the sweetest goat ever, Honey, and Emily with fat little Angel.

Tiffany working with Mama.  Mama is getting better:)

The girls we have now:)  

They put a bow on Angel:)  Sweet.

Nice picture of everyone:)

Poor Cocoa.  I don't think she is as happy about the bow as Angel was, lol.

Emily and Angel.

Erin got Mama to lay down next to her...or Mama can't get away, lol.

Some very sweet pictures of my favorite girls who Mike and I have become really close to with our little herd of goats.  In the future you will see some more stories with them:)

I cannot believe how young the girls are here along with how small the goats are.  Time flies and we all get older:)

More to come tomorrow:)

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