
Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Getting Our Well and Water

It's always exciting when the infrastructure goes in.  We were pleasantly surprised when the well truck showed up earlier than expected.

Mike watching them start to drill:

The rig is set and ready to go:

They use foam to assist in the removal of cuttings and help with the water flow.  This is new to us.  It will dissolve after a few days:

The well here is 90 feet deep.

Since the well men showed up early we weren't quite prepared so we had to order our well pump and wait for that to arrive.  The well drillers usually do that for you but we want the same pump we have in TN which is a solar pump and can be run in emergencies and without much electric.

Finally it's our turn to work:)

We stretch out the water line and get ready to connect it to the pump.  Mike uses the torch to heat up the pipe.  It makes it more pliable and easier to work with:

Working on the electrical:


We will run the electric wore down the length of the water pipe and tape both together:

Adding the torque arrestor.  This is to protect the well pump and electrical wires from the casing:

Mike feeding the pump into the well:

Mike working o the bladder tank:


He does such a nice neat job.  Now we just need ot build a house for the well:

Oh happy day...we have water:)

It will take about a week to clear up after all of the disturbance of the underground limestone and sand.

Next up...the footers for our building.


  1. Love following your newest project! You guys really should be sponsored by Lowes or Home Depot!

    1. Truly, lol. The ladies in the contractor department know us well.

  2. so have you installed more solar to run the pump ? have you run power to the new place ? maybe an alternate power / on-grid mix on this new project ?

    1. We will have regular electric here as the air conditioning needed would make it really hard to be off gird. I imagine Mike will include some solar...maybe for his work building.

  3. Will you guys be using FP&L as your provider? They have some strange rule that if power is out, you cannot run your solar power. You may want to look into this.

    Love following your projects!

    1. No we are with Seco. You might be thinking, or not, when people are using other utilities like water and sewer. Either way we will have to run electric here and maybe only have solar as a back up that is not connected to the grid.

  4. I have been following yall's many projects all these years. I love the effort and hard work you put to all these projects. I hated to see you leave your Tennessee home behind since I'm really close to that area. Do you have any plans on coming back to Tennessee for another project? I wish you both all the very best in all your endeavors.

    1. We are keeping TN for awhile. That is home for us but we are thinking of the future. So for now...two places and maybe the store as a project. Although we need to get bored first, lol.

  5. LOL. I don't know what happened to my long post covering all the new happenings, congratulations, sympathy and good wishes. Anyway, thank you for sharing your life with me and others and good luck, health and happiness going forward. I also wanted to tell you that the wedding pictures were just lovely. You are two very attractive people.


    1. I am so sorry you lost your post. I've had some posts drift off into internet oblivion before and it is never fun. Thank you so much for the kind words:)
