
Sunday, January 28, 2018

Getting the Footers Dug and Putting the Plumbing in the Ground

Back to 11-9-17.

The concrete crew came and hand dug the footers around the perimeter of the pad.  That took them all day.  Thankfully that will give Mike and I a full weekend to do all of the plumbing before the concrete is poured.


The metal/rebar delivery which will be in the footers and the slab:

It's time to get to work and Mike is really going to have to put on his thinking cap.  A lot of calculations need to be done to make sure "all" of the plumbing is on before the concrete is poured.

First we laid out the 4 inch pipes to the side of the pad.  Then we started digging.  At least it is easy at this point as it is just sand:

You can see behind where the septic will be located:

In between this we are still getting sand delivered and Mike has to make sure it gets pushed down the hill before a new delivery:

It's getting bigger.  We need about 25 feet by 50 feet on the about 20 loads of sand:

Mike grading the top in preparation for the next truck load:

And back to plumbing:

Just the beginning of getting the pipes cleaned and glued:

Now there's a configuration.  This is for the tub drain, 2 inch, and the toilet, 4 inch:

Those pipes are in the sand and time for the next section:

Tub, toilet and sink pipes are in.  Moving on the utility room:

And then the kitchen area.  Using level to make sure all pipes on the end will flow into the main 4 inch pipe and then out the end:

Adding the extensions to run the pipes inside the walls:

Covering what we completed:

And just when things were going smoothly.  The tractor got a flat tire and our sand man is going to meet us early the next morning:

We must be tired, lol.  We dragged out the jack when we could have lifted the tractor off the gorund using the bucket.  Sometimes, lol:

The tire came partially off the rim.  We had to clean all of the hardened much off first and then use the compressor to blow all of the sand out and fill with air.  Mike used a hammer to bang the tire to pop it back onto the rim.  Hopefully it holds until the morning.

We are back the next morning and the tractor is good:)

This is the last section to do.  It is for the second bathroom which is a repeat of the first section in reverse.  The digging is getting harder as we need a slope going down to this end.  We are now in the hard/clay/much stuff:

Getting the trench dug for the pipe to exit out and into the septic lines:

Vanity sink pipe in and toilet pipe ready to be installed:

Two out of 4 are done:

The main 4 inch pipe making a turn to go out to the septic tank:

Mike working on the 2 inch pipe for the tub drain:

We had a few minor cave ins with the sand while working so close to the footer edge.  We fixed it all up when we were finished: more pipes on the "inside":

All done and cleaned up:

Whew we are ready for the concrete crew.  Mike was worried until we got it done.  It was a lot of work and we didn't want to hold up the contractors:

Just another few days of work being completed.  Next...the foundation...and then we can start to build.


  1. I imagine that the vents will run off the sink lines? There is nothing nicer than having a good vent line at the end of the keep things flowing, especially if the water table is fairly high. You guys did a great job, and the plan to have all plumbing along the one wall of the house is brilliant!

    1. We have two 2 inch vents. One at each end of the house and going out the roof.

      We almost messed up and put the tub faucet on the outside also. That would have meant no panel to get into if there was ever a problem. It;s hard to remember all of these things, lol.

  2. What about the water lines coming into the house? Or are those going to go in the wall up to the attic, then down to each sink/shower, etc. That would make sense, and make any future repairs much easier.

    1. Mike will actually be doing that this week. Up through the attic and then down to each faucet/sink/tub etc.

  3. 20 loads of sand for septic system ? hope the county knows what yall are doing, this aint tenn hills, you know. that's gotta double (or more !) $$ of a septic / drain system.

    1. The county wanted us to do a pump system originally which would have cost about $10,000. We talked with him and our septic man and he said we could add the sand/clay mix to our hole and run a conventional system. It has all been inspected and approved by the county. It still came in less than half of a pump system and we don't have an ugly mound in the yard.
