
Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Getting House/Building Pad Ready, Road Clean Up, and Temp Solar Set Up

Going back my days have gotten mixed up a bit but needless to say we have been busy.  At the moment we are all over the place.  This post will take us into the last week in October.

In order to establish a location we had to get a 911 address which finally came and a new mailbox.  The mailboxes are on the main road.  Since we don't get much mail we just bought a basic one.

Everyone's mailboxes:

We cleaned the area up and added ours to the mix:

The sand delivery for the pad is finally here.  There are 5 full loads of sand that need to be graded out.  We let the concrete man use his man since he has a box blade on his tractor:

He has a bigger tractor than Mike....hmm....maybe an upgrade, lol:

The sand is almost level:


I'm jumping here but after the sand was leveled the concrete crew came back to stake out the site:

And this is ready for Mike and I to add the plumbing pipes:

While all of that was going on Mike and I had to be out by the road working on the ditch.  Mike has put in so many hours grading it all with his tractor.  We have about 400 feet on the road to fix:

Mike taking a break after he did such a nice job grading out the "smaller" side:

Mike seeded and I added the hay:

Back inside we have a couple of things going on.  First we had an issue with the trailer we brought down being too small to work out of.  We found a larger trailer to use as a work shed while we build.  You will see it in the background pictures.

Mike also likes his tv and since we have no electric yet we will set up a temporary solar system.  Yes we brought 3 solar panels, a charge controller and an inverter.  We did buy a battery large enough to keep his tv running at night for when we move over here.

Building a very easy panel holder:

For now...two are on:

And back out front for the larger section:

This section is about 300 feet:

Yay...Mike seeding:

And me adding the hay:

Now we just wait for some grass to grow:

That is all for now.  Next story we get a well and water:):)