
Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Getting Ready for the Concrete Foundation, Clearing Trees and Working on Water Flow

Our second week at the property and getting ready for the new slab.  Mike interviewed three different men to pour our slab.  We ended up hiring the man whose price came in the middle because he was the most conscientious about his work.  He also mentioned things about he slab that we weren't aware of.

Now that someone is scheduled to do the slab we need to get the plumbing in place which has to be in place before the concrete gets poured.

Mike starts off with the bathtub as we will need "exact" measurements for the pipes in the concrete:
We don't need and won't need the tub for quite some time but we are ready.

Here is the man clearing the grass off the foundation area:

The building spot is ready and corner stakes are in:

While they work on that Mike and I go back to work on the front ditch.  Mike uses the tractor to clean it up:

Trying to get the water pitched right so it will flow through the culvert and out the other side:

And out the other side:

Mike needs to do a lot more cleaning, filling sand in spots and clearing other spots.  He can only do so much with the tractor bucket but Mike wants to do it himself.

Working in the muck...before Mike got it looking nice:

Our first truck for the building site...and they brought the biggest truck they have and it broke down going "across" our road...not good:

Their help that showed up to move the tractor trailer out of the road:

Oh well....looks like we will have to wait one more day to start getting the fill dirt, which is sand here, for the building site.

The next morning they are back on track....first of 5 truck loads coming in:

And dumping:

At the same time our ditch is getting cleaned up.  It's been raked and seeded:

And hay has been added.  We usually use straw but it was much easier to find hay here:

I seemed to have skipped some pictures last week with us clearing the "hole" for the new septic area.  So I need to backtrack.  While the trucks were making their way in for the building pad, Mike and I did a lot of tree cutting and clearing.  Mike cutting the pines into smaller pieces so I could load them onto the trailer:

This whole area needs to be cleared:

Getting a lot of it cleared out:

I dig around the stumps so Mike can get the chainsaw low enough to cut them out of the ground:

This is going to be some burn pile:

We are cutting some of those logs up for logs.  They are the perfect diameter for a fire pit.  We saw the neatest one at Rural King:)

Another truck going in:

The second load being dumped:

All of this work was spread out over our second week here.  We also got a head start and ordered our trusses for the building.  It is going to be our storage building first and later on converted while another building is built.  But that will all happen next year as this will be an ongoing project.  We just needed to get the largest one done first as Mike and I are getting older and it's getting a bit harder to build big things alone.

More up next week:)

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