
Monday, February 5, 2018

Getting the Metal and Prepping & Pouring the Slab


It's going to be a busy and productive couple of days.  

First thing this morning we get the metal delivery for the slab:

Then the pest men show up to spray the slab before the concrete gets poured.  This is to protect the building from Florida pests and termites:


They really doused it on so the pad should be well protected.

Meanwhile Mike and I did some yard clean up....something we will be doing on and off for a very long time:

Pulling out a tump with the tractor.  Love that tractor, lol:

 The concrete crew shows up to put down the plastic and the metal and at the same time our trusses show up.

A little early but better than late:

The concrete company starts out by laying plastic over the entire slab:

Then they add the metal grid to beef up the concrete:


They are done for the day and ready to pour tomorrow:


The first concrete truck is here and one of the crew is working on the footers:

Spreading it out:

One truck is empty:

Time to level off that section until the next truck arrives:

Second truck in and poured.  Time to use the float and spread it out:

Mike putting in the anchor bolts to secure the frame to the concrete:

Using the trowel machine to finish and smooth:

Almost done:

We now have a slab.  Tomorrow they will come back to cut the expansion lines....then it;s time for Mike and I to get to work on building:

Next up....getting trailers moved closer to the slab and getting lumber to begin the building.


  1. So glad to see your newest project. I was using Firefox as my browser and it wasnt sending notices of your updates. Then I switched to Opera two weeks ago and the updates started showing up. I loved, love, love the way you photograph every step and include details as well. TFW46
