
Sunday, May 10, 2020

Recap of Life In General

This one is dedicated to PapPappy.

Life is good, really good but there have been many changes.  And as usual we are really busy.

Our first summer here we drove back and forth from FL to TN to maintain the property and the store.  After doing that a few times we decided to put it all up for sale.  There was no way we would be able to keep both farms and our minds, lol.  We sold out of TN in January of 2019 and haven't been back.  A very nice couple bought both TN properties and they are very happy with both places.  We would like to go back and visit some of our old friends.  Possibly this summer but we will see how things go.

We got a new puppy in November of 2018 and she is a cutie pie that has stolen both my heart and believe it or not Mike's:)  She truly is a love bug but not a supervisor like Niki.  Princess is a Shih Tzu and I will post pictures of her sometime soon:)

We have been very busy on this property and we were almost done until Mike said we should go off grid guess what we did in real time today?  Ugh...we are moving solar panels again, lol.  I told Mike I'm not moving them again.  Cross your fingers for me.

We have goats, miniature zebus and chickens.  Our one goat, Oreo, should be having a baby/babies this month.  Wait until you see baby goats.  Talk about cute:)

We have wonderful neighbors on our block and lots of friends here.  Some of Mike's sisters have retired to Florida and aren't too far from us.  Mike also has a cousin who has a farm 10 miles from us.  So we see her and her family quite often.  We went to a barrel racing competition last night where her daughter rides.

We also have 3 very special "goat girls".  They are like family to us now:)  We bought two of our original goats from their mother and the girls ended up being our goat sitters when we traveled back to TN.  I have parties for them every few months or so.  You will see pictures soon:)

I think all of our buildings are finished:), the house is complete except for some dress up, barns are done and fencing is done.  I have been cooking and baking like crazy here.  I give away lots of cookie and candy platters to friends, family and neighbors.  Our house here is very busy with visitors.  It's been a good move for us although I don't like, or should I say I really really dislike the summer heat, lol.

The only thing missing is my garden.  It seems like a project always gets in the way.  I "will" have one next winter and will start planting in January 2021:)  I just hope it is half as good as my TN garden was.

OK...that is the quick version.  I cannot give all away and you'll have to wait for pictures.

Our "first goats" story coming in the morning.

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