
Friday, May 8, 2020

Mike's Big Building/Garage/Workshop

It's picture time for our new building.  Mike and I thought about building it ourselves which would have taken us a long time.  We still have so much more to do on this property and decided to have a metal building put up instead.  The process between ordering it, having it built and having the concrete work done took a few weeks but here is it in one post to show you start to finish.

First Mike had to clear trees and do the grading work.  After he did that our concrete man came in to do the forms for us.  The pad is 16x60.

The wire mesh has been placed on top of the dirt.  Just a little FYI about wire mesh.  "Wire Mesh. Using wire mesh is a common method to reinforce poured concrete. ... When the concrete has set around the wire mesh the concrete will end up with a reinforcing material inside that helps to prevent cracking during temperature changes and while the concrete is setting."  

Pouring and spreading the concrete mixture.

Using a float with an extended handle to smooth it out.

Mike talking, oh I mean supervising, lol.

That's it.  The concrete is poured and ready to dry.

After the concrete dried they came back to cut the expansion joints.  And a few weeks later the contractors came to install Mike's new building.

They start with the base and the frame metal.

The roof frame.  It's 14 feet enough for our RV.

This is a roof I would never help with, lol.  The roof is first to be installed.  Screwing the metal panels on.

It's coming along.

They are holding a side panel up while screwing in the bolts.

The roof and back side of the building are finished.

It took the crew two days to complete this building.  So much faster and easier than Mike and I doing it.  This gave us the time to do other projects that needed to get done:)

And Mike's new building.  He is all excited to move his things over since they are all inside where we are living, lol.

Ooh fancy.  Everything looks so nice when it is brand new:)

And the garage door....high enough for the van.

That's all for the building.  Next up, our new farm animals:)


  1. Y'all still own in Tenn? Do you go there ever? Want to sell?

    1. We sold it in January 2019. The new couple loves it. We wanted to make a trip back this summer. We'll see how things go with all this crazy stuff going on.
