
Thursday, May 21, 2020

Princess Our New Puppy, A Visit From Our Niece, and Two More New Goats

Life is getting busy here.  It's all about the animals, lol.   I'm taking you back to November 2018.

As some of my old followers know Niki girl, our pug, was with us for 14 years.  She was a wonderful little supervisor and is featured in all of our previous stories here:)  It took me 1 1/2 years to want another dog.  Now trying to figure out which kind to get was the next task.  We didn't want another pug because of the shedding and Mike did not want a shedding dog.  She also needs to be small, friendly, female, a puppy and has to fit into our crazy lifestyle.  I did some research and decided on a Shih Tzu.  So I started searching by checking shelters and Craigslist each day.

In the meantime our niece from NY came to stay for a week.  We did a lot of farm stuff, hung out and went swimming with the manatees which is always a cool thing to do in FL.

While she was here Mike got used to her little dog.  He is a Yorkie and very cute.  And he doesn't shed so now we added a Yorkie to the list.  I decided whichever one I find first is the one we will get.  One night while Britt and Mike were watching TV I went onto CL.  And guess what I found:)  I showed the picture to Mike and he said you better call now and get her.  And that's what we did:)

This was the picture I saw and fell in love with.  Look at that face:)

We picked her up and when the woman gave her to me this little pup was so tiny. Britt asked if she could hold her in the backseat.  I said "no she needs to bond with me", lol.  We all got to hold her once we got back home:)

She is tiny:

And makes me happy:)

Mike and I do crate training.  If you do it correctly it is not  abad thing.  It is never used for punishment but it gives the little one a secure place of her own.  We leave the crate open and in the Living room with us.  She went in by herself:)

She matches our floor, lol:

This is a first.  Mike likes dogs but he is not a lover of dogs.  He has rules.  They don't go in the bedrooms, they aren't allowed up on furniture and no way would he ever have one in his lap.  Ha, ha....this little pup already has him wrapped around her cute little paws!!  She's a smart one, lol.

Mike's new friend:)


Ha, ha...she still sleeps like this:)


Of course I had to see if she fit, lol.

OK now that you are sick of the puppy pictures, I'll show you some goats, lol.

While Britt was here wee also found two Pygmy girls which is rare.  The owner said she would bring them to us at a local spot.  So off we went with the trailer to pick them up.  We got them home and introduced them to the crew:)

Our new girls Keara and Baby.

Keara...pretty girl but has messed up horns.  She is a sweetie:)

Baby who is tiny:

We brought the puppy into the back yard and the goats and chickens are curious.

Hey, what's that?

Mama was mean again so we had to cover her horns so she couldn't hurt the new girls.  She is the herd Queen so she feels the natural need to be a bully until everyone knows their place.  But "I" and the Farm Queen, lol.  Mama sporting her new pool noodles.

Angel is thinking "what the heck is that", lol.

Anyway it worked.  No one was ever hurt by Mama.  And she has become super friendly with us:)

After a few days we finally decided to name our new little puppy Princess.  Oh that was truly not the right name for this little farm girl, lol, but she is our princess for sure:)

Next up Mike and I building a cover for the patio.

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