
Friday, May 22, 2020

Building a Patio Cover

Adding some of the homey livable touches:)  Today I will tell you how we built our patio cover:)  Our patio is 12x32.

Mike figured out what lumber we needed and ordered everything we needed.  First thing is to cut it all down to the lengths we need and then staining.  we decided to pre stain as it is much easier to do on the ground:)

Mike rolling out some of the long 2x4s.

Princess learning about the Mike and Lisa World

This part seemed to take us forever.  It wasn't a hard job just tedious.  We out 2 coats on each side and of course there was a lot of drying time in between coats.

Princess taking a break.  We used a solid color stain.  The color is cedar.

Drying time.

First boards going up...and I have no idea why we didn't pre stain the first one, lol.   First step Mike had to bolt in a frame on the house.  Then he added brackets so the cross beams could sit inside those brackets.  The 4x4 posts are drilled into the concrete on the outside of the patio.  They are drilled in using different brackets to hold the posts.  The 4x4 posts are 7 feet apart.

Moving our way down one section at a time.  BTW see that picnic table?  We scored.  It was $36.00 from Rural King. I love a good deal:)

Princess hanging out while we work.

The frame is almost finished.

After the frame was up we added the 2x4 purlins to be able to support and screw the metal panels on.

We ordered the metal panels from a local supplier.  They are 3 x12'3" for a slight overhang and adjustment for the small slope away from the house.

Starting with the first ones.  Mike and I stood on the ground, each of us holding a panel and together we threw them up onto the roof one at a time.

Getting the first one even and starting to screw it down.

It's a tight fit underneath the house and to the the frame for the patio.  Mike helping it in.

Moving along with the roof:)


This is how it looked when we just threw a few panels up and before they get screwed down.

Yay....last panel going on:)  Ooh see that deck box?  Mike took me to a community yard sale for my birthday, one of my favorite things:), and we bought two of those for $50.00 each:)

Mike screwing in the panels across the front.

And on top to do the screws in the  middle.

Now we are covered.  We will be able to sit out during the rain:)

That's it for today's story.  Enjoy the weekend.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so enjoying your updates, Lisa! I've followed your stories ever since the first one. But I must have missed something: Why did you decide to sell the TN property? It's so lovely (as are all your properties).
