
Wednesday, May 13, 2020

More Baby Goats and Getting Ready to Install a Patio Door and Window

Just a little cuteness today:)  Adding a couple of new girls to our growing "small" herd:)  Some goat FYI.  When you add a any new animals/goats to a crew that you already have it is recommended that you quarantine them to make sure they are healthy.  In the least you should keep the new ones separate until your original ones get used to them.  Either way goats have a pecking order and new ones many times will be tested.

We have four goats right now.  Three of them are babies and Mama is the only adult.  We found 2 sister goats only a few miles from where we live who come from a healthy herd and home.  We brought them home and thought we had the introductions down.  We let the new girls in the pen and Mama was not happy.  She went after "Shadow" and it she got pretty mean.  Mike and I had to go in and lock Mama in the kennel for a time out until she behaved.  Goats will/can get pretty mean in order to establish their pecking order.  Most of the time they will work it out.  You need to intervene when there is a big size difference and it isn't a fair fight.  After a little while we let Mama back out with supervision.  She was fine after that:)

Our newest girls Oreo and Shadow.  Angel in the background.  These three are so sweet:)

My sweet Angel.

Finally Cocoa letting me pet her:)  Cocoa is Mama's baby.  Mama is afraid of people right now.  I don't know what made her that was but I am working with her each day.  Anyway Cocoa learned from her mother not to trust us.  This made me so happy when she finally came over to me and let me pet her:)

Just some lovins from the girls.

The little ones munching on some branches.  They have hay, grass, and I give them branches every day as a treat.

Billie and Angel.

Mama, Angel, Shadow and Billie.

Mama, Cocoa, Angel and the 2 sisters Shadow and Oreo.  Everyone playing nice:)

All the babies together.  They were all so small back then:)

Ok...back to some work, lol

We knew we were going to put in a patio door eventually and now is the time.  This is the area that needs to be cut out.

Mike finishing cutting the opening out from the outside.

Open and ready for the new door:)

Some more light inside and a new opening:)

We found an awesome deal on our patio door.  We went into Lowes to look around.  We love the slider with the built in blinds that we had in TN.  They were $999. normally priced and we found one that was on clearance for $299.  Score!!

My cutting open the future kitchen window.  For now you can see my temporary kitchen which I had for about 6 months.

Window opening.

I must have been helping Mike too much with the door and window so I don't have pictures of the install.  You will see them later this week:)

More to come tomorrow:)

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