
Wednesday, May 27, 2020

How To Do Your Own Fecal Test

I have a small hobby herd of nine goats.  Fecal tests are done to check for worms and to see if they need to be treated.  It is never recommended to randomly deworm goats as worms have become resistant to a lot of the medications that we have to use.  To have a test done for me it costs at least $20.00 so I decided it would be worth the cost to buy my own supplies and learn how to do them myself.

Basic Supplies That Are Needed:

1.  A microscope...I bought an AmScope M150C-1 40X-1000X and it works well enough for what I need it to do.  I bought it here:
My Microscope

2.  McMaster Slide.  This slide has grids to make counting so much easier.  I bought mine with a kit but you can buy single slides.  Just do a search.  Here is what they look like.
McMaster Slide

3.  A Dropper.

4.  A book or manual so you can understand what you are looking at.  I have two different ones along with some I printed from the internet to use as a reference.

The first book I bought as a kit but you can buy just the book.  It is very helpful.  It is called Know Thine Enemy DIY Fecal Testing by Maggie Leman.  The book is $7.95 and well worth it.  Maggie's Book and Kit

And lastly I bought this book:
Veterinary Parasitology: Reference Manual Fifth Edition.  I bought mine used.

There is also a group on FB called Animal Fecal Microscopy that can help you to understand what you are looking at.

5.  Fecal Float Solutions
You have two choices.  A salt solution or a sugar solution.  I started out making my own using Epsom salt.  Then I asked my dog vet to order a gallon of the sugar solution.  I like the sugar solution much better.  I find it much clearer when viewing.

6.  A Digital Scale
I bought this one:  Scale

7.  A Small Strainer
I bought this one: Strainer

8.  Plastic Cups which can be found in any grocery store or dollar store.

9.  Popsicle sticks

10.  Plastic gloves and/or baggies to collect your samples

Now that you have the supplies it's time to get to work.  First you need some samples.  You can do what I do and wait for your goat to poop on their own.  So if you ever see me running around behind a goat with a plastic baggie you know what I am doing, lol.

Or you can take the more professional route and collect them when you need them.   I'll share a link below for that.

Let's get to work:

How to Do A Fecal Test

Use two plastic cups

Collect 2 grams pellets

Add 28ml solution, mix with a popsicle stick and soak for 5 minutes

Mix again, break up the poop as much as you can, and strain.  Get rid of solids and use the liquid for the test.

Fill both McMaster Chambers.  Start over if there are any air bubbles.

Let sit for 5 minutes and up to 1 hour

Bring grid lines into focus using the coarse knob on low power(4x)

Turn on the 10x and refocus with fine knob

Count eggs in both chambers and multiply by 50 which is the EPG(eggs per gram)

0-200 eggs--do not deworm
200-500 eggs--watch
500-1000 eggs--check eyes and watch closely
1000+ eggs--always deworm

Coccidia counts
1500 in a weakened state treat
3000 treat

That's all there is to it.  You will be able to count and see worm eggs and also coccidia which is very important to see and treat in young goats, usually 3 weeks to 5 months old, who are highly susceptible to Coccidiosis.  Coccidiosis is caused by microscopic protozoan parasites called coccidia.  They are not a worm and need to be treated with a different medication.

Very helpful link with directions and step by step pictures:
How To Explained With Pictures

I would also recommend joining some of the goat groups on Facebook.  There is a world of knowledge of very experienced goat people in those groups.  There are also charts in their files for worming medications, Coccidiosis medications and also the dosages....and so much more.

Some of the groups I think are very good are Successful Goating With Rosie, Backyard Pygmy and Nigerian Dwarf Goats, Goat Tips and Tricks and Nigerian Dwarf Goats.

That is how I do my fecal tests.  I will leave the rest up to you on how to treat and what to use.  It is different in different areas.  Do your research and don't deworm on any schedule.  Only worm as needed and treat for the correct worms.

And now back to my normal stories:)  Next Monday I will take you back to January 2019:)  I'm catching up:)

Monday, May 25, 2020

Cocoa Nut's Story...Using Blurb to Write It

My friend Mae loves our goat Cocoa.  That is her favorite goat.  For Christmas of 2018 I decided to write a story book in Cocoa's voice.  I used Blurb to make the book.  It came out really nice and made a cute present.  Blurb is very easy to use to make a story from your pictures.

Here is the story:

Well hello there.  I am Cocoa...nut.  That's what my human mom calls me but Gram and Gramps call me their Wild Child.  I gotta say that really fits me.  I wasn't always like this so let me tell you about my life.

I was born to a really great mom.  Where I was born we were in with so many other goats and it was very scary.  Mom always had to fight for her food but she always made me feel safe.

One day when I was 6 weeks old a human couple showed up to take us to a new home.  They wanted to take me, my mother and my half sister.  We were all very scared and they had to chase us to catch us.  Me and my little sis were easier to catch because we were so small but my mom was having no part of getting caught.  Finally all three of us were caught and taken to this really big white box.  We were very nervous but once we were put inside we found these round things that are called Igloos.  Those will become one of our favorite things.  All three of us snuggled in one of those "Igloos" while we were in motion and on our way to our new home.

We got to our new home and were let out in a large green area.  I had never seen grass before.  And we weren't with a lot of other goats.  This place could be really nice.  Mom is still nervous so sis and I are doing what she wants us to.  Right now she wants us to stay away from the humans.  Mom told us humans are not to be trusted.

During the day we hang out in our Igloos and run around in the big field.  We have been given names.  My mom is called Mama, I am Cocoa, and little sis is Angel.  Yeah there is no way I will be confused with Angel.  She is sweet and tiny.  I am wild and have longer legs.

A few days after we got to our new home Gram and Gramps came to meet us.  Mom said stay away...but I am curious.  No one has been mean to us here.  Maybe my mom will let me meet them soon.

Yeah I think I'm gonna like it here.  There's lots of room to play.  Human mom puts these buckets out every day and they are fun to jump over.

Sometimes when I am tired I like to lay in one.

Human mom comes inside every day and talks to us.  She pets the little ones and little sis lets her but mom and I still don't trust her.  Well mom doesn't trust her and I have to listen to my mother.

For a few days human mom and dad aren't here so we are being taken care of by Grams and Gramps.  They have this little thing with four legs and fur who also comes to visit.  I heard Grams call her Gracie.

Grams came inside our area and pet the little ones.  I really really wanted her to pet me.  She seems so nice but mom still won't go near any humans and I have to do what she wants.

Gramps got close to my mom and he even fed her.

Gramps and Gracie were hanging out.

When human mom and dad came back dad built a really cool box where our bowl of water is kept.  Human mom feeds me on top of it.  I am very special because I am the only one who can jump on top of it.  I also love jumping on top of the Igloos.  It is just fun.  Poor little sis is too small and she can't get on top.  I tried to help her up one day but I think she is scared that she might fall off.  

There is some excitement around the farm.  Human mom and dad brought home two new goats.  Their names are Shadow and Oreo.  They really like Human mom and dad.  They are let loose in our big pen.  Uh oh...Mom does not like Shadow.  She chases after her and tries to ram her onto the corner.  Human mom and dad get really mad at her and she gets locked in the cage all by herself.  Angel and I are playing nice.  We don't want to get locked away.  Well Angel "always' plays nice.  She knows she is the smallest and needs the most protection.  Now that mom is locked up I will have to be the big girl and watch out for little sis.

The next morning mom is let out and she is being nice to the new girls.

Shadow and Oreo are super friendly with human mom and dad.  After watching them I decided to let human mom pet me but only for a few minutes.  It was kind of nice.

We have another new goat.  Her name is Honey but she is really shy so I don't know her yet.  Human mom and dad got us some rocks.  This is so awesome.  I don't know if you know this but us goats hate and I mean really really hate when the water falls from the sky.  We scream and we run for shelter.  Well we also hate when the ground is wet and our hooves get wet so the rocks are pretty awesome.  No more wet they are fun to jump up and down on.

The girls who used to own Shadow and Oreo came over and put bows on little sis and I.  I kind of like the this girl and even let her pick me up but these pictures are so embarrassing.  I hope no one sees them.

Oh what a fun time we had today.  Gram and Gramps were over and human mom and dad let us out.  It was crazy.  We ran up to the big building and then ran all the way around to the other side.  Human mom came running after us yelling and screaming.  We ran away and in through one door and then inside the big building.  And then we ran back outside again.  I love doing crazy things like that and it made everyone laugh.  We kind of got into trouble for that but it sure was fun.  

Coming out of the big pen is fun but we are only allowed to come out 2-3 at a time now.  I guess we caused too much trouble when we ran through the building.  It is fun to be out though.  There is so much grass out there and you know it is much better than what is inside the pen.

Woo hoo...I love Gram and Gramps.  They brought over some very cool new toys for us.  Human mom calls them spools...I call them fun.  Of course I am the first one to check them out.

Most of my days are spent running around and trying to get someone to play with me.  We also know what the "red" can is.  It means food and we all love food.  We jump up and get all excited when we see that red can.  Sometimes we even trip up human mom but she never really gets mad at us.  Although one day I got a little too curious.  An empty red can was on the ground but how was I to know the can was empty.  I went to investigate and stuck my head inside.  Uh oh...I was stuck and stated running around but it was dark.  I started to panic a little until I heard human mom.  She helped me get unstuck.  Whew...that sure was scary.

Wow today Human mom and dad built us a brand new home.  I'm helping dad.

He also brought the big blue tractor in.  Of course I had to jump up and check that out.  I love when I have new things to jump on.

 Just hanging out in our new barn.  We love it.  Oh yeah we got these really loud, stinky and noisy little birds called chickens.  We are very careful not to step on them and we never get mad at them even when they eat our food.  I don't know why but that's what mom told us.

The chickens had a house before human mom and dad built boxes for them.  Of course we had to check it out.  Believe it or not there are 5 of us in here.

C'mon Honey let's play.

Hmm....Oreo has been mean to little sis.  She keeps butting her with her horns and Oreo has some sharp horns.  I told little sis to follow me onto the rocks one night.  It was time to give her some lessons so she could defend herself against that mean Oreo.  I jumped on top of a rock and put my head down to butt little sis.  I did it gently at first until little sis started butting me back.  Then we were both on top of the spools and I butted her some more and she butted me back.  I even let her knock me off of the spool to boost her confidence.  She needs to feel tough sometimes.  We sparred for quite some time.  I guess it was too long for little sis and she ran back into the barn and didn't want to play anymore.  No one here has as much energy as I do.  On a good note Oreo hasn't messed with her as much.

Ooh...I am out with little sis and Honey and we have new hay.  I love playing on the hay.  Hmm...I wonder if I can make it into that trailer.

How much fun is this.

Remember when I told you the grass was better on the other side well it really is.

My mom has been kind of mean again so she got her own jewelry.  I think she looks kind of funny but I'm not telling her.  She things she looks like a queen.  I won't tell her otherwise but little sis and I get to fits of giggles about it.

I like chewing and biting on things.  Mom is always fun to bug.  Her and I both have waddles and those are fun to nibble on.  I also chew on her horns and now I can chew on these blue things.

Gram and Gramps stopped by again.  Oh goody goody.  I love seeing them.  Gram comes inside the pen and pets all of us.  She is very sweet to all of us and sometimes she brings us delicious treats.  Human mom doesn't give us treats like that.  I will have to talk to her about that.

All of us girls checking out the new dog that human mom and dad got.  We are very curious but believe it or not kind of scared of that hairy little thing.

So that's my story so far.  I have a new home and lots of new family and friends.  I love it here and I want stay here forever.

The End

My next story will just be a wrap up about 2018.  I will post that on Wednesday and then go to Monday and Wednesday postings.  We still have a lot more projects for all to catch up on:)

Friday, May 22, 2020

Building a Patio Cover

Adding some of the homey livable touches:)  Today I will tell you how we built our patio cover:)  Our patio is 12x32.

Mike figured out what lumber we needed and ordered everything we needed.  First thing is to cut it all down to the lengths we need and then staining.  we decided to pre stain as it is much easier to do on the ground:)

Mike rolling out some of the long 2x4s.

Princess learning about the Mike and Lisa World

This part seemed to take us forever.  It wasn't a hard job just tedious.  We out 2 coats on each side and of course there was a lot of drying time in between coats.

Princess taking a break.  We used a solid color stain.  The color is cedar.

Drying time.

First boards going up...and I have no idea why we didn't pre stain the first one, lol.   First step Mike had to bolt in a frame on the house.  Then he added brackets so the cross beams could sit inside those brackets.  The 4x4 posts are drilled into the concrete on the outside of the patio.  They are drilled in using different brackets to hold the posts.  The 4x4 posts are 7 feet apart.

Moving our way down one section at a time.  BTW see that picnic table?  We scored.  It was $36.00 from Rural King. I love a good deal:)

Princess hanging out while we work.

The frame is almost finished.

After the frame was up we added the 2x4 purlins to be able to support and screw the metal panels on.

We ordered the metal panels from a local supplier.  They are 3 x12'3" for a slight overhang and adjustment for the small slope away from the house.

Starting with the first ones.  Mike and I stood on the ground, each of us holding a panel and together we threw them up onto the roof one at a time.

Getting the first one even and starting to screw it down.

It's a tight fit underneath the house and to the the frame for the patio.  Mike helping it in.

Moving along with the roof:)


This is how it looked when we just threw a few panels up and before they get screwed down.

Yay....last panel going on:)  Ooh see that deck box?  Mike took me to a community yard sale for my birthday, one of my favorite things:), and we bought two of those for $50.00 each:)

Mike screwing in the panels across the front.

And on top to do the screws in the  middle.

Now we are covered.  We will be able to sit out during the rain:)

That's it for today's story.  Enjoy the weekend.

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Princess Our New Puppy, A Visit From Our Niece, and Two More New Goats

Life is getting busy here.  It's all about the animals, lol.   I'm taking you back to November 2018.

As some of my old followers know Niki girl, our pug, was with us for 14 years.  She was a wonderful little supervisor and is featured in all of our previous stories here:)  It took me 1 1/2 years to want another dog.  Now trying to figure out which kind to get was the next task.  We didn't want another pug because of the shedding and Mike did not want a shedding dog.  She also needs to be small, friendly, female, a puppy and has to fit into our crazy lifestyle.  I did some research and decided on a Shih Tzu.  So I started searching by checking shelters and Craigslist each day.

In the meantime our niece from NY came to stay for a week.  We did a lot of farm stuff, hung out and went swimming with the manatees which is always a cool thing to do in FL.

While she was here Mike got used to her little dog.  He is a Yorkie and very cute.  And he doesn't shed so now we added a Yorkie to the list.  I decided whichever one I find first is the one we will get.  One night while Britt and Mike were watching TV I went onto CL.  And guess what I found:)  I showed the picture to Mike and he said you better call now and get her.  And that's what we did:)

This was the picture I saw and fell in love with.  Look at that face:)

We picked her up and when the woman gave her to me this little pup was so tiny. Britt asked if she could hold her in the backseat.  I said "no she needs to bond with me", lol.  We all got to hold her once we got back home:)

She is tiny:

And makes me happy:)

Mike and I do crate training.  If you do it correctly it is not  abad thing.  It is never used for punishment but it gives the little one a secure place of her own.  We leave the crate open and in the Living room with us.  She went in by herself:)

She matches our floor, lol:

This is a first.  Mike likes dogs but he is not a lover of dogs.  He has rules.  They don't go in the bedrooms, they aren't allowed up on furniture and no way would he ever have one in his lap.  Ha, ha....this little pup already has him wrapped around her cute little paws!!  She's a smart one, lol.

Mike's new friend:)


Ha, ha...she still sleeps like this:)


Of course I had to see if she fit, lol.

OK now that you are sick of the puppy pictures, I'll show you some goats, lol.

While Britt was here wee also found two Pygmy girls which is rare.  The owner said she would bring them to us at a local spot.  So off we went with the trailer to pick them up.  We got them home and introduced them to the crew:)

Our new girls Keara and Baby.

Keara...pretty girl but has messed up horns.  She is a sweetie:)

Baby who is tiny:

We brought the puppy into the back yard and the goats and chickens are curious.

Hey, what's that?

Mama was mean again so we had to cover her horns so she couldn't hurt the new girls.  She is the herd Queen so she feels the natural need to be a bully until everyone knows their place.  But "I" and the Farm Queen, lol.  Mama sporting her new pool noodles.

Angel is thinking "what the heck is that", lol.

Anyway it worked.  No one was ever hurt by Mama.  And she has become super friendly with us:)

After a few days we finally decided to name our new little puppy Princess.  Oh that was truly not the right name for this little farm girl, lol, but she is our princess for sure:)

Next up Mike and I building a cover for the patio.