
Sunday, November 5, 2017

In Memory Of Niki The Princess and Best Little Supervisor

The time has come for Niki to be at rest.  It was a heartbreaking decision but I had to do what was best for my girl.  Here is what I wrote on 4-6-17

"My Niki girl just turned 14. She is old and has many old lady issues. I watch her closely and know at some point I will have to make one of the hardest decisions for her. I just don't know when that is. I guess I am looking for some guidelines.

The good....she can still see and hear pretty good. She barks when I come into the house and will howl when I dance around. I think she enjoys that. She still likes to be with us when we work. Actually she just wants to be close to me so I drag her towel around wherever I am whether I am painting, gardening or cooking. She still eats, actually her appetite has increased. She doesn't cry or whine.

Here are her problems. She has a herniated disc for the past 4 years. Her back legs don't work so well anymore. She falls a lot and has trouble getting up. I help her up to get her steady. Once she is up she can wobble around. She has more accidents in the house...thankfully it is just pooping as the vet told me she can't really feel much in her back end. Luckily I or my DH is around most of the time so she is never stuck for long. Sadly if we are not around she could end up laying in her poo...and she is miserable. She stays in her bed most of the time and sleeps a lot. She cannot stand it if I am out of her sight. She barks a lot if I leave the room. She cannot make it through the night. I get up with her 1-2 times every night to let her out....although I am the same way, lol.

She just doesn't seem to be happy anymore which makes me really sad. For two years I thought it was close for her and I even told the nieces in NY to say good bye...just in case. So far Niki is hanging in there. She is just not happy anymore and her problems will not get better. When the weather breaks I will take her for some more car rides as she likes that....or she just likes the bone I give her in the car, lol.

Sorry for the long story. I guess I just know her time is close and I really don't want to "have" to do anything...but her quality of life kind of stinks. I'm just sad and kind of confused about what to do."

So that was on April 6 just two days after her 14th birthday.  It was not happy times for my girl anymore.

THEN on April 11, 2017 I had to be the one to make the call.   She fell on the  side driveway and slid backwards.  She was not able to stop herself and Mike had to jump off the roof to help her.  I was up top.  By the time I came down I doctored her scrapes and cuts as best I could and decided to wait the night to see how she did.  She had another bad night and by morning I had Mike call the vet for me.  I knew I would cry through the call.  The vet was incredible.  They told us to bring her in within the hour.  We took Niki for her last ride and gave her a bone on the way down.  She was not scared because she was familiar with the vet's office.  I was able to hold her while she had her shot.  I also held it together until she was gone and then I couldn't stop the crying.  They gave us an Angel bag to take her home in.

Niki was born on April 4, 2003.  We got her when she was 6 weeks old.  I didn't pick her she picked me.  I was sitting on the floor when all of Niki's siblings were all over.  Niki was the one who kept coming back to me.  She is the one who got to come home with us.

Niki has been a part of the Mike and Lisa world for 14 years now.  She has had a wonderful and exciting life.  I'm not sure many people get to do as much as she did, lol.  She loved to go boating and even liked her vest.  She thought she was hot stuff that she could walk down the ramp at one of our houses and jump into the boat.  Some nights I would take her down to the boat and we would just sit on it because she liked it.  Mike thought we were crazy, lol.  She also used to love taking a walk with Mike while he fished.  She thought there was nothing better than when he caught a fish and she could smell it.  She got to travel the country with us, see many rv parks, meet many people and also meet many dogs.  At one rv park I swear she had goo goo eyes over a Great Dane, lol.  She was also the best little supervisor during all of our remodels and became a very big part of our Off Grid in TN story.  She is missed every day but I know she is not in any pain.    

I'm glad her time came while we were in TN.  I found a beautiful spot for her overlooking the valley:

And just some memories:

Rest in peace little girl.  It is quiet on this new project without little pug!!


  1. I am so sorry to hear of Niki’s passing. I know how hard it can be to make that final decision for your best friend. I had to make the same for my buddy of 19yrs. He was an Australian Shepherd and I had been with him every day of his life since we adopted him from the animal shelter at 6mo, except for the one day when he got his manhood adjusted and his dew claws removed. lol I still miss him dearly but his quality of life had deteriorated to the point that I had probably waited a bit longer than I should have. He like Niki to you, will always hold a very special place in our hearts.

  2. We so sorry for your loss. Having always had dogs in our lives, we have been down that road to many times already....helping our loved pets across the Rainbow Bridge. We have 10 dogs now, and know that we will be watching them go in the near future.
    I hope that you are able to look into finding another dog to bring into your life...maybe a rescue. We have always had multiple dogs, because it helps with the us something to keep us busy taking care of the other dogs...getting the love makes the pain a little easier.
    Knowing that Niki was your "fur-baby" makes it even tougher. We lost our son, Chris, almost 2 years ago, so we know from loss....and know that as much it hurts now (or the past 7 months), it will eventually be less painful. Just remember her in your heart.
    That was a beautiful grave site you created.

    Bill & Claudia

    1. I am very sorry to hear of your loss.

      Thank you for your kind words. Once we settle a little more I may get another dog. Maybe a rescue one this time but I would have to get a puppy. Not many dogs will "come" as adjusted to loud noises(hammering, compressors, nail guns etc) as Niki was:) We have started a new "complete" project from the ground up so I need to wait on training a puppy.

  3. They become true members of the family. Very sorry for your loss. The time comes when their quality of life is gone or there is pain. We have large breed dogs, Irish Wolfhounds and have had them go as young as 6. Most make it to ~9. Just keep the happy memories in mind and be grateful for the time she was with you.

    1. Yes they do become a part of the family and such a big part of our lives. I know I did the right thing as when anyone, animal or person, should not have to suffer pain. Thank you for writing.

  4. I'm so sorry. That was beautifully written!

  5. So sorry for your loss. Niki was a special dog!
