
Sunday, November 5, 2017

Downed Tree And Cleaning Jeep

Time for two not so fun jobs.  We had a huge tree that came down right above the store.  Mike and I need to do something about it.

Of all the places to fall it had to be right behind the store:

It may not seem bad but it's a long way up:

Mike is going to chain up the fallen tree to another tree.  There is no way for us to get it out of there:

Told you we were high up:


Mike gets the chain under the fallen tree:

And pulls it through:

Chaining up another smaller tree:

That should stop them from rolling down the least give them time to rot:

Then back home.  We left the Jeep home last winter and I left a roll of paper towels inside.  Well of course the mice found that and decided to use the Jeep as a new home.  Not good.  Anyway the good thing about a Jeep is it cam be taken apart and hosed out.

All carpets are out:

Jeep is stripped:

That's it for now.  Next up some very sad news.