
Thursday, November 27, 2014

Some Demo and Some Fixing

Good morning and Happy Thanksgiving.  Mike and I will be working this morning because we cannot rest until the work gets done, lol, but we will be enjoying a nice turkey dinner with all the sides.  Thank you for all the invites.

Remember to be thankful every day for all the good things in your life and not just today.

Today I thank all of you for continuing to read and respond to our crazy life:) And I also want to thank all the farmers to the truckers to the grocery stores for making sure we are all able to have a good meal today and every day:):)

My pictures are a bit out of order because I didn't want to bore you to tears with all the sanding and spackling, lol.  So let me take you back and briefly show you what we have been doing:)

Now that we got all the drywall up where all the red brick was and a first coat of compound, it's time for a first sanding.  Mike uses the pole sander and I do the small spots by hand:

Sanding on the fireplace side:

More tape and drywall compound(spackle) going on:

Now that has to dry so I will take you back to the kitchen.   Mike starts to take out the soffit that was over the old double wall oven cabinet:

It's being a bear so he takes out the reciprocating saw:

And the grinder:

Now that it is out it's time to close that hole back up:

We decided to leave the soffits over the cabinets in this kitchen for a few different reasons.  
1.  They are not in the way of anything.
2.  Since I never buy 42" cabinets my new cabinets won't get greasy dusty on top and I won't have to clean above them, lol.
3.  It saves time and a lot of unnecessary work:)

Mike adding the drywall on the ceiling to patch it up:

Of course it's back to drywall compound and sanding…but back to our new front door:)

That night we finished the install we had to get it covered up.  Here is our lovely paper over the sides of the door.  Hmm…I think the camo shower curtain from last year was more in style, lol:

The next morning we took the paper off and added the T1-11 we took down for a covering until we get the glass:

On the inside Mike works on the 2x4s so we can get the measurements for the glass:

We will have two panes of glass on each side of the door:

At least we are closed up for now:

Our temporary front door…and now for the clean up:

Mike and I carried the glass doors to the garage we take apart the sliding glass door frame:

The frame is apart and our garage is filling up.  At least the boat has company, lol:

Mike and old girl Niki taking a break that night:

Just a short and sweet one today.  I hope you all have a wonderful day and enjoy your holiday.  Stay safe and I will write again on Monday.



  1. Happy Thanksgiving Mike and Lisa! I hope your day and find some time to just relax. Niki looks so sweet, I love senior dogs, my Cassy was such a sweet gentle old gal. Anyway, enjoy the wonderful weather and your feast. The house already looks brighter.


    1. Thank you so much Sandy. I hope you had an enjoyable Thanksgiving.:)

  2. Hope y'all had a great Thanksgiving!

    1. Thanks Kats…it was productive and later on delicious, lol. How was yours?
