
Monday, November 24, 2014

Demo In The Kitchen

Good morning.

Mike and I are all over the place and my pictures are a mess.  I will try to keep my updates in some kind of order.  Right ow this is what's going on with our kitchen.  We ordered our kitchen cabinets and they are supposed to be in today…yay.  Mike and I are not even close to ready to install cabinets but we will have them:)

We also ran into a glitch with our flooring choices.  We had one tile that we liked but it was a little too light.  We were waiting on a sample of a full tile that we also liked but found out the company halted production and they don't know when they will start making them again…grr!!!  There is one other tile that is in the running but it is a bit smaller than we would like.  So we are back to square one with flooring.  Not fun.  At least we will have our cabinets to be able to take a color sample in when we look at more flooring:)  Same goes for the counter top which we still need to order.

It feels like we are moving slow to me but the drywall work is taking forever…ugh!!

Anyway….let's take you back to the kitchen demo.  Mike taking his frustrations out on the original wall oven cabinet, lol:

I clean up and he keeps tearing more out:

One side of the kitchen is almost out:

I still need the stove and the microwave so we move to the other side.  Mike takes out the old dishwasher that doesn't work:

Cutting through the countertop to get it off:

Ooh….look what we found.  The yellow is the "original" countertop in this house.  The other is what the previous owners painted it to make it look newer:

Mike loves that sledgehammer:

For about a week I worked with the kitchen as it was.  Then Mike wanted to get rid of the dumpster which means we have to get as much out of the kitchen as we can.

Wow…look at that electrical work, lol.  Mike will make it right:)

I got the rest of the knobs, handles and doors off.  Then Mike starts cutting the top again:

Now that the top is cut, Mike can lift it:

The corner base cabinet coming out:

Now for the rest of the kitchen:

Just more countertop.  Man this kitchen is big, lol:

We are taking the kitchen down to the bare minimum.  Usually when we get to this point I set up a temporary kitchen and use another sink in the house.  Unfortunately I have no other sink that I can use. They are either too small and they don't have any counter space so I told Mike we need to keep the kitchen sink until we are ready for a new one.

The last of the old kitchen cabinets:

They are almost gone:

There was a banquet table in the garage that we moved into the kitchen.  That will be my new work area.  I filled some of our grey trunks with dishes, pots and pans, and food and set them on top of the table.  That is to keep all kitchen stuff clean while we continue the endless drywall work, lol.

I am amazed at how horrendous the kitchen walls are.  We definitely have to make some repairs.  Mike bangs out some of the loose plaster:  

I will slowly work on the bad walls while Mike works on all the corners for all the new drywall.

That's all for now.  Today the dumpster was already picked up.  Yay.

Mike and I did get to relax a bit yesterday.  One of our neighbors took us out on their boat…yes ours is still in the garage:

Back to work now.  Have a great week.



  1. Putting tile down on plywood floor, without the proper base always worries me about cracking on the grout lines, especially in a high traffic area. Maybe consider using some of that laminate you have in the foyer area. Plus it might go good with the new front door.
    I have always had good result with the quality and selection of American Olean tiles. There may be a dist. close to your location?

    It was good to see you guys out on the water, even if it wasn’t on your own

    If we don’t hear from you again before thurs., Have a Happy Thanksgiving.

    1. Thank you for the suggestions. We still haven't decided yet.

      Happy Thanksgiving to you also:)

  2. dang, real wood shelving in real wood cabinetry from the 60s (when things were real) - gone forever, I reckon. maybe you coulda used those in the double garage that needs cabinets. oh thats right yall dont like old ...

    hope somebody got to dumpster dive that shelving, hard to find pretty planks like that nowadays.

    1. Nah…we saved the shelving. We just didn't want them in the kitchen anymore. It is hard to find good wood nowadays…that's for sure.

  3. Busy bees! LOL I hope y'all have some Thanksgiving plans? Drive on up here to N. Alabama and join us!


    1. Aww…you are so sweet:) Thank you. I bought 2 small turkeys on sale. I will make one for Mike and I on Thursday and enjoy turkey sandwiches….lots of turkey sandwiches, lol.

      Wishing you and yours a wonderful Thanksgiving Day:):)

  4. It is such a shame that the cabinets could not have been removed whole especially since they are solid wood. I'm sure custom. Somewhere someone would love to have those to refinish for a home their redoing.

    1. I agree…sadly we could not get the long nails out with destroying some of the insides of the cabinets. The doors, hardware and some of the shelves were salvaged.

    2. That's good to hear. You just do what you can. :-)

  5. Looking busy, are the new cabinets dark? I will wish you and Mike a Happy Thanksgiving now, and hope that you take off some of the day! Nice to see you two relax on a boat:)


  6. Happy Thanksgiving....and you guys have a lot to be thankful for, to be sure...especially after that medical scare a few months back, and now this great house!

    Don't you wish you could have saved that yellow's so cool! LOL!!

    I imagine those kitchen cabinets were probably custom built in place, so it would be difficult to remove them the way that you could the newer types that are "sectional"...though it would have been nice, but then again, you were under the gun to get the dumpster out of there, so spending time dismantling the cabinets would have only cost you money in the long run.

    Yes, sledge hammers are wonderful....does Mike try to call himself "Thor"....when he's swinging that hammer! LOL!!

    Seems as if you have a lot of decisions to make with regard to the kitchen, and I think you probably should have gotten more of the stuff, before tearing it all out...but that's me..LOL!!

    Glad to see you out on the boat.....I'm sure it helped relax you guys a bit after all that work.

    1. I actually thought that yellow counter was better then some of the other retro things we have found in houses, lol.

      I think very few things in this house can be dismantled. We are salvaging what we can.

      I know…now Mike wants to take my sink….ugh!!
