
Thursday, April 4, 2013

Losing Weight Is Never Fun Or Easy But I Know A Great Plan That Works

Ugh!!!  It's time for me to pay up for all the over indulging this winter.  I have no more excuses.  The Holidays are over and soon I won't be able to hide out in my sweats and sweatshirts.

This happens every year to me and every year I say the same thing.  "This" time when I lose the weight I will keep it off...and then the Fall and Holidays begin again.  It's a terrible cycle and I know I am not alone but I do need to break free...somehow.

So today I will start.  After my initial weight loss I really will try not to go back to my bad eating habits.  I will not call it a diet as I really need to make this a regular eating habit.  I need to combine healthy eating and add more exercise.  There is no magic pill that will melt the pounds...unfortunately.  You have to consume less calories than you burn off.

This is an eating program that I have used on and off over the years to jump start my weight loss.  If you follow it and write everything that you eat down in a notebook, I promise you will lose weight.  I will eat like this longer than suggested but I stay at 1200 calories per day.

Give it a try and see of it works for you.

It is very easy to do.  Just pick your foods from the choices given.  Don't drink your meals but eat them:)  There is also a lot of fruit allowed on this diet.  If there is too much natural sugar in fruit for you just substitute one of the vegetables on the list for your fruit.

Kathy Smith 5 Day Jump start:
"Determining what to eat during the first five days is as easy as one, two, three! We've given you enough structure to get results, but also the flexibility to keep you from getting bored with your food choices. For each meal, simply pick one choice from each of the categories shown: 

The 5-Day Jump Start will help stabilize your insulin levels and re-balance your hormones to put you in that fat burning mode. It will provide just the right combination of foods to allow you to effectively burn fat as fuel instead of storing it.

You'll be eating four meals a day. This may seem like a lot at first, but the fact is, you need fuel for energy all day long. Equally important to your long-term success, you need to feel satisfied throughout the day. Eating the four balanced meals within the plan will do the trick. So have some fun with your meals and think about what you can eat, instead of what you can't eat."

Determining what to eat during the first five days is as easy as one, two, three! We've given you enough structure to get results, but also the flexibility to keep you from getting bored with your food choices. For each meal, simply pick one choice from each of the categories shown:

Meal #1: Pick one choice from categories 1 & 2
Meal #2: Pick one choice from categories 1 & 2 & 3
Meal #3: Pick one choice from categories 1 & 2 & 3
Meal #4: Pick one choice from categories 1 & 2

CATEGORY #1: Protein

2 eggs*
1 cup 2% cottage cheese
4 oz. low-fat milk or
4 oz. low-fat yogurt
(plus 1/2 portion of any other protein in this category)
4 oz. lean ham, beef, turkey or chicken
6 oz. tuna, shellfish, sole or snapper
6 oz. tuna, shellfish, sole or snapper
2 tbsp. any type nut butter (e.g. peanut butter, almond butter, etc.)*
2 oz. low-fat cheese*
1 cup soybeans, tofu or tempeh
1 oz. nuts or seeds*

CATEGORY #2: Fruit/Vegetable

2 cups any type fruit (or two medium pieces of fruit -- it's okay to eat one now and one later)
6 cups any type raw vegetables or salad (typical meal-size salad)
3 cups cooked vegetables (except corn and peas)
1 1/2 cups corn or peas
2 cups vegetable-based soup
2 oz. dried fruit

CATEGORY #3: Starch

1 slice bread,
1 small pancake,
1 frozen waffle,
1/4 bagel or a 1 oz. biscuit
1/2 cup rice, noodles or pasta with tomato sauce
1/2 cup rice, noodles or pasta with tomato sauce
1/2 cup potato, yams, cooked beans, lentils, peas or corn
1 oz. dry cereal
1 6" corn or flour tortilla
1/2 oz. (about 4 to 6) low-fat crackers, chips or pretzels
2 cups air-popped popcorn


  1. I've done this and had great results. Go to YouTube and watch "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead".

    Here is his web site.

    1. Thank you. I will check it out when I have more time on my Internet. My time resets tomorrow:)

  2. Thank You!
    For all of us who live in the midwest - Spring is finally here which means the fruit should be coming in sweet and fresh. I think this is the best time for our region to start this. When it comes to fresh fruits and veggies we don't always get them that way at the produce market.
    Now when you get them home, prepare them and bag them so you have something to grab quickly without a second thought, or else self-sabotage takes over. I don't know about you all - but I have a hearty appetite and one in which sweets (the simple kind) sure don't make things simple! Good luck to all of you. In one month I should be on my way to a healthier me! for my next cruise vacation...
    All good things.....

    1. It's always nice to have a goal. I love fresh fruit and vegetables. As soon as my garden starts producing I will be making smoothies:) Enjoy your cruise.
