
Saturday, April 6, 2013

Book Sales And My Love Of Reading..Oh Happy Day!!!

So Many Books And So Little Time:)

I love to read.  There are two things on life that I will never have time to finish.  I will never be able to make all of the good recipes I have saved and I will also never be able to read all of the fantastic books there are to read.  I love to read and always have.  Reading a book can take me away to so many wonderful places and there are so many to choose from depending on my mood.  

I spend an amazing amount of time at my local library.  If you haven’t been to your library you should stop in and see what they offer.  My library is a small one but we are connected to other libraries in Tennessee which means I have access to “all” of their books.  I have a list of books, which continues to grow...and grow, that I want to read.  Each week I go online and order some of the books from my list and have them sent to my local library.  My library calls me when they get my books:)  My library also has computers to use, audio books, CD’s, DVD’s, magazines and different classes along with story telling for children.  I have also heard of libraries that loan out art and also exercise equipment.  Stop in and see what your library has to offer.

Yesterday was my local Library’s Book Sale.  We have a book sale twice a year and I feel like a kid let lose in a candy store.  I volunteer to help set up all the books that are donated to the library and I also work the sale on the day we open to the public.  Set up is a lot of fun.  I get a sneak peak at all of the books that have been donated.  I also get to buy some early.  I try to have restraint and not buy cases of books, lol.  I usually buy about 15 books early and wait until the sale for the rest.

Here are some pictures of our book sale.  Not too shabby for a small library:)

The book sale itself is crazy in the morning.  I worked the first shift which is always the busiest shift.  We usually have about 15 people waiting for us to open the doors for the sale.  You can’t go wrong when a paperback no matter what kind is 25 cants and hardcovers are 50 cents.  As I was checking out and talking with people I would comment on what great reading they would have.  One woman spent $8.00 and had 32 books to read.  For $8.00 she will have at least 100 hours worth of entertainment.  Compare that to the cost of a movie ticket.  Books are so much better:)

The sale was a success and I can’t wait to volunteer again in the Fall.

I told you about my list, my never ending list, of books to read.  I use a site online where I keep track of my reading and my lists.  Once you have rated enough of your own books you will start to get recommendations based on the books you read.  And that’s where I get into trouble, lol.  I have added so many books to read from the recommendations I get.  At least I will always have something to look forward to:)
This is the site I use.  It’s called Goodreads and it is very helpful.

Right now it is to beautiful outside for me to sit inside.  It;s time for me to get out and do some work but I know tonight I will be able to relax and get back to the book I am now reading.

Have a wonderful day and Happy Reading and remember:

“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go.” 


  1. I hear ya! I have a constantly changing pile of books beside my bed that I want to read. When one has been on the bottom for a year or more I give up on it.
