
About Me

My name is Lisa and I live a crazy and wonderful life with my best friend, Mike, and our pug NIki...who is now a senior girl.. We live in an Off Grid home that we built together 4 1/2 years ago. Our life is constantly changing and we are always doing some type of project. We love working hard and being able to do so much by ourselves. After all we do live in the Mike and Lisa World:) I have so many interests and joys in life. Mike is the best:) He has taught me so many things about building and having the Get R' Done mentality. Nothing can stop us. As for myself I have many hobbies and interests. I love food....reading about it, cooking it and eating it, lol. I love to garden and started my first square foot garden 4 years ago. I love to read and my favorite place to visit is the library. I love living on our property in the mountains. Wide open spaces is the way I like to live. 

My Husband, Mike and I:

And Princess Niki:


  1. This is great, Y Lisa! Nice work, on the blog AND on the projects. I am very impressed. :)

    Deb (LFM)

    1. Thank you. I hope you enjoy all of our future projects and just plain craziness:)

  2. Nice job Lisa! Everything looks great and easy to find. I like that you can pin it too.


  3. WE are BIG fans of Mike & Lisa World.....we kind of want to jump in the car the way the Grisswalds did in Nation Lampoon's Vacation, and visit M&L World instead of Wally World...LOL!!

    You have accomplished so much, and we are living our lives through you. We had similar plans (30 years ago), but our Daughter came along, and our lives haven't been the same since...LOL!! Not really complaining, but family will change your priorities pretty quickly.

    I haven't really started to re-read the Blog....I'd read the other sites, but will enjoy going back and re-living some of it again.....and looking forward to future adventures.

    We are dog people, (have 8 of our own), so seeing Ms. Niki in the logo was priceless!
    Tell your Daughter she did a great job with the design.

    Bill & Claudia
    Wilmington, NC

    1. So glad you found us again:) I should be starting new stories for 2013 very soon.

  4. Thanks for the invite Lisa. I so love reading what you and Mike have been up to.

    1. Than you for stopping by. I have new stories to get posted:)

  5. Very cool. Thanks for letting me know about this.

  6. Love reading about all the things you and Mike are doing!

    1. Thank you and we have plans for a lot more:)

  7. I used to follow your story on your old forum. Glad to see this site!!

    1. We are still going:) Just different things.

  8. Lisa, I hope you write more soon. I’m eager to see how the new Florida property is coming!

  9. Glad I found you again Lisa. Very nice things you are doing.
