
Monday, June 8, 2020

Meeting New Family, Barrel Racing, Our First Baby Goat Being Born and Princess Has A Friend

The location of our FL farm has some strange coincidences.  First off Mike and I used to RV and be snowbirds at a campground very close to here. We actually knew some of the roads and some of the stores like Tractor Supply:)  Next our two close camping friends from way back live about 10 miles away.

And out of the blue one day I got a message from a woman who said "I think we are related".  It turns out she is one of Mike's cousins and she lives about 15 minutes from us on her farm.  Mike hasn't seen her since they were kids in NY.  Small world.  Anyway we started doing things with her and her daughter.  At the time, Katrina, was new to Barrel Racing, and has since progressed to be a very good rider.  Mike and I would go to the Cowboy Church to see her ride.  I loved watching the really young kids ride and the church had the best burgers, lol.  I miss doing that as they no longer have the barrel racing there.

Our cousins would also come and play games with Mike and I.  One of our favorites is Double Nines Dominoes.

Katrina spending a few nights with us and hanging out on the farm:

Using Mike's headphones and eating his pistachios.

 Out for a ride:

Getting attacked for some Animal Crackers, lol.

Poor Princess hates getting a bath.  She is so tiny without all the hair, lol.

Our calendar picture for my SIL.  She makes calendars every year for all of our family members.

Princess likes one of our chickens, lol.

And some exciting news.  Our first baby goat born on the farm.  We were there for his birth and to make sure there were no problems.  Birthing in action!!

Mama did a wonderful job and is now cleaning him up.

Mama gets special treatment now:)  She is in a separate "birthing" pen and has her own food and bowls so she doesn't have to fight anyone else for food.  She has time to bond with her baby with no stress.  It also gives Mike and I time to bond with the baby as we want all goats born here o be very people friendly.

The water bowl is off the ground and high enough for Mama to reach but not the baby at first.  Accidents can happen with bowls of water and baby goats.  Better to be safe until the baby is more stable and on the move.

Logan is very interested in "his" boy.  Proud papa, lol.  Logan is also wearing his anti breeding apron.

Next week is some more fencing to get ready for more animals.

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