
Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Running Electric From The Meter and Into The House and Building a Barn Door

All in a day's work.  And it was a rough one for Mike.  We rented a Ditch Witch to trench a line from the electric meter to the house.

Clearing the gravel off of the driveway so Mike can make the trench.

The beast, lol.

Mike is starting at our meter and working his way back to the building:

It's a slow process.  He needs to go down about 2 feet so we can bury the electric line:

He needs to make a cross at this point.  One line for the well and one for the electric meter.

Just a close up.

Almost to the building:

Now to make the turn to the building:

We made it to the box for the wire ot go inside the building.

Once the trench is done I can finally help Mike.  I help him add the wire to the trench and we cover it back in with dirt.  Then it's back to hard work for Mike.  Time to connect all the wiring.

He has already wired the living quarters inside the building and now he is adding the big main wire that runs to the electric meter outside.

Hooking up the main wire to our meter.

And into the meter.

The wire is completely protected as Mike pulls it through and gets ready to hook it up:

I don't envy Mike having to work and maneuver these wires into the slots and spaces.  You need strong hands and fingers to do this kind of wiring.

We are hooked up.  No more using extension cords inside the building.  We can now use outlets:)

And for an oddball project since we will be moving out of the RV.  We need a door for the bathroom and space prohibits using a regular door.  Mike is building a barn door fr us to use.  He is making it out leftover wood from the building.

Staining it:

That's all for now.  It was a big accomplishment and we are getting closer to our new life on the Florida Farm.  Tomorrow I will post building a big pen for our future miniature goats:)

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