
Wednesday, April 11, 2018

More Siding Going Up With Some Help

I am sorry I have been so far behind.  We have been trying to get the farm in order for inspection in May.  We have been clearing land and doing fencing.  We also got sidetracked and had to build a large pen area and pick up some baby Pygmy goats...but that is for a future story:)

OK...back to the siding.  Our friends, M&J, insisted on helping us with all of the staining.  We used a solid stain in cedar for the color.  M also has a good tip for painting.  She wears her shirt inside out to keep any less off of the outside:

Mike filling over our 4 inch pipe to the septic:

Since we had the great help with staining we didn't want to hold up the process.  So the boards went up and then we cut out for the windows:

Up close:

From the back side:

Almost halfway done with the siding:

Getting a window ready:

First one in:

Taking a break:

Three sides are done:

Next up we will complete the siding but it will be time for the hard job...the trusses!


  1. Has the summer heat made you take a break from building? Hope you are well and under air-conditioning.

    1. I am very thankful for Willis Carrier, the inventor of air conditioning:):)

    2. I am very thankful for Willis Carrier, the inventor of air conditioning:):)

  2. Sure missing updates

  3. Been waiting for the next installment...figure that you might have already moved in to the house by now..LOL!! I might also guess that you worked to get the shell up maybe the roof done, and then headed back up to the mountains for the Summer. Florida is HOT! And, if you had any sort of rain, the way we have had here in Eastern NC this summer, Mike would be using the boat to go around the house...heck, the pld lake house might have gotten flooded out...we had 6" in one day...probably 16" this month, and it's still raining today. No outside projects today, but I'll take our grandson to the movies. :-)

    1. The rain had been horrendous this year. It really put a stop to our work. Florida had a record May for rainfall...and "I" think a record summer as well, lol. How did you do through the hurricane? I hope you and Claudia did well. How are the dogs? I'm thinking of getting another one. I miss having a dog around.

    2. Yup, you gotta get a dog....what is a farm without a dog? LOL!!
      Goats are amazing, and you might try and get in touch with the power company, to find out if you can have a couple of those wire spools, for the are right, they would LOVE them.
      We had a ton of rain this summer too...broke all sorts of records, and then the Hurricane...which dumped another 30+ inches on us. Fortunately, we're on higher ground, and didn't have any flooding in our neighborhood...just wind damage from trees, but the house was intact.
      Can't wait to see the next installment...and some photos of the animals.

      Bill & Claudia

  4. Any new updates? I have just spent several hours per day for about 5 days catching up on Everything you've posted on CD and on here and just love you guys and your endless energy! I hope everything is going good for you. Have you went back up to your home in TN yet for the summer?

    1. I'm sorry for not keeping up. We are back and forth. Getting ready for FL winter.

  5. Hi, It's been such a long time since you posted. Hope all is well.If you are ending this blog it would be nice if you could just post a note to that happening.

    1. Hi Gary. As you can see I have slowed down considerably. I can do a recap so you can see what we have been up to:) We are fine and the farm is expanding. We now have goats and chickens.

  6. Yes, it has been to long. We need our "Fix" of Mike&Lisa. Are the goats and chickens at the Tennessee house, or the one in Florida? Is the plan to commute between the two like "snow-birds", or have you guys finally put down some roots in one or the other?

    You still have a lot of followers, who have been waiting for the trusses...LOL!!

    So glad to hear that you are both doing well.

    Bill & Claudia

    1. Thank you Bill. The goats and chickens are in Florida. We go back and forth but stay almost full time in FL now. We have 3 sisters who watch the animals for us while we are gone:)

      The hills are getting harder to take care of as we get older. I do miss the weather, outside of winter, in the mountains.
