
Thursday, March 8, 2018

Our Septic Tank and Help Staining Our Siding

It's a big day today...time to get our septic tank and chambers installed and some unexpected help with staining our siding:).

A very special couple we know, M&J, have been stopping over to bring us snacks and drinks while we have been working on this project.  They really wanted to help us with the work but we didn't have anything that could be easily set up for them until today.  They are going to start staining our siding before we install it which will save Mike and I a lot of time.

Laying the boards out on saw horses and staining them:

At the same time our septic man shows up:

Working backwards since our tank and chambers are going into the "hole":

Our concrete tank:

Chambers going in.  We have three lines at 50 feet long and the one across the back:

And back to the building.  The first stained wall is up.  Mike made a simple lever out of 2x4's and a couple of L brackets to hold the 4x8 siding board while I lifted it and I held in place while he nailed it in:

That was the one board that we put up unstained because we couldn't wait.  We moved the trailer to the front of the building because we have been picking up the siding a little at a time:

The guys working on the chabmers:

M&J working hard:)

The hole for the septic tank:

The tank going in while we watch:

From the other end:

Time to connect the chambers to the tank:

And back to the walls:

An end board for M&J:

Mike nailing the last one for the day:

We had some great help today and got over 30 feet of stained siding installed:

That was a short and sweet story.  Next up Mike and I have the hard work of connecting the sewer lines from the septic to the building!!


  1. The chamber leach fields are such an improvement over the old leach lines. We can use plastic septic tanks where I live. Do you have to use cement because of high ground water in your area?


    1. We love the chambers. They are so much easier. We used plastic in TN but have only seen cement here. It was a good price and that is what our septic man used. As long as it passed inspection I don't care what they use, lol.

  2. Waiting with bated breath for updates. :)
    TFW46 from C-D
