
Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Adding a Patio Cover

Mike and I went back and forth about what we should do for our new patio.  We wanted a cover to give us some shade and to also keep the patio clean.  We thought about doing a wood one like we have in Tennessee but wood lately has been really bad quality no matter where you go for it.  Then we thought about the roofing panels but we weren't sure if we wanted a full screen room.  Then Mike remembered seeing the aluminum panels at Lowe's.  We checked them out and they seemed like a good idea for what we wanted.  Clean and easy to install and no maintenance like the wood would have been.

Next we took a measurement.  Since we have a large patio we decided to only cover part of it so we could also sit in the sun if we wanted to.  We used the panels that later on can be used for a screen room just in case we want to add on.

The panels…oh what fun they were get home, not, lol.  They are 12 feet long and we needed 26 sections:

Next we had to figure out how to lay it out.  The frame needs to go up first so Mike starts off by drilling holes in the concrete:

Adding the base piece for the post:

Screwing in the L bracket before the post goes up:

The frame for our first 10 foot section:

Once that is up Mike screws the face piece that will hold the panels to the house.  Now we can add the panels.

Mike cuts the panel to the length we need it.  It was too hard for me to cut so I did the measuring and poor Mike had to do all the cutting which was really hard on the hands:

First panel going up:

I help Mike get the panels up and then he screws the panels to the house and to each other.  They overlap so there is no leaking when it rains:

Moving right along…this is so much easier and lighter than wood:

We are halfway there:

Guess what's next?  Yup…Mike has to take down this gutter…again, lol, but this is the last time…really:)

Once that is down we add the piece that hold the panels to the house:

We finish installing the panels to just past the door:

How the top of the panels look when screwed together:

New gutters going up:

And now adding the downspout for the new roof:

Now we have a nice new covered area to use with the hammock in the sun:)

We'll see how it all works out.  Later on we may screen it in but for now we like it.

That's all for now.


  1. Smart idea, it will help with the sun shinning in those windows too. Do those top panels that are screwed on go all the way across? If so that could not have been easy. Still looks nice down there so enjoy!
    Merry Christmas

    1. Hi Sandy. No the screws are only into the house and at the other end.

      Belated Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you to:)

  2. Respecting Mike and your works, have you taken into account about the hurricanes that visits your area, every so often? It will take that aluminum and have it sailing around like ships in the wind...
    Hope your insured with that new roof, so you can get it replaced when its "gone with the wind"

    I wish you well...


    1. Those panels ar made for this area. We'll see:)

  3. My first patio panels were like yours and it was awful to clean the leaves off of them. Then I added the foam panels for sound deadening when it rained and it filled in the panels. I have since replaced the roof but I don't think the sound is as muted as it was before. Oh well.
    Enjoy your new outdoor room and merry Christmas to you and yours.


    1. I love the foam panels but we couldn't find them locally. The leaves aren't a problem because we have such a breeze here.

      Belated Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you to.

  4. It turned out great.
    We like the sound of rain on a metal roof, it's quite relaxing....and it's away from your bedroom, so it shouldn't bother you at night.

    I had never seen that sort of roof...usually deal with the 5V type up here in NC. I really like it, and it seemed relatively easy to install.

    Hope you had a nice holiday.

    1. First time I've seen it to. It was very easy to install:)

  5. Hey guys - Happy New Year. What's happenin'?

    1. Right back at you:)

      Been busy. We have been selling at the big flea market here.

  6. We like the sound of the metal roofs....and figure that good windows will keep the noise out of the house, if it bothers us.
    Once again, you guys have done a wonderful job....and now, I'm wondering what you have planned next? It's been awhile since you last posted.
    We hope you had a good holiday....

    1. Ha, ha…Mike wants to travel for a bit. We'll see.

  7. Lisa - you and Mike have been on my mind so much. You haven't updated since the end of December, I pray you are both well and just enjoying life too much to post. Blessings to you!

    1. We are fine…thank you. I am so sorry. I just got kind of burnt out from online stuff. I have been lazy and reading a lot.

    2. Thank you, Lisa for the response! I totally understand getting burnt out from the computer, online activity, etc. I have taken short breaks in the past.

      I know that it may sound crazy, but I have followed your postings for years and it seems that I "know" you as a friend. LOL! There is another person that I follow her blog and feel the same way. My hubby has referred to both of you as my "imaginary friends." LOL!

      That is why I began to get concerned. I'm thankful that both of you fine. I will just check back in occasionally for any updates. ENJOY life to the fullest and live each day in anticipation of what fun adventure you might experience next. :D


    3. Susan nailed it!!
      I guess you really are our "imaginary friends". We feel that we know all about you guys, and yet we really know very little, other than what you post. We do know that you and Mike are very good people, who work hard, and enjoy life. I'm sure we would be very happy to have you as neighbors!

      While we all look forward to reading more of your blog, we also understand how you could get burned out with the weekly (and often twice weekly) postings. We hope that you are enjoying the fruits of all that labor, and hope to see more pictures in the not to distant future.

      Your imaginary friends,
      Bill (PapPappy) and Claudia

    4. My imaginary friends always hold a special place in my heart:) We have been through so much together.

  8. so I looked up the tenn thread on cd and then came here ... (totally left cd ?)

    wonder if you still own tenn and if so is it for sale ?

    maybe you have good daughter staying and maybe building / improving / upkeeping ?

    1. Problems ar CD.

      We are back and forth. Nicole keeps an eye out for us.

  9. Hope all is well with you guys! Season is winding down. I'm sure y'all are ready to head north!

    1. We are planning on when to leave. The kids are excited and so are we. I'm ready to re do my garden:)

  10. Hello mike and Lisa , i rarely post ;but i always look forward to your projects.
    from your first shovel in TN to FL by the lake.
    I haven't seen a post sense July, I HOPE ALL IS ok and mike is feeling better

    regards rick
