
Monday, March 16, 2015

Taking A Break

I just wanted to let all of our readers know that I am taking a break for a bit.  We had a great time with the kids this past week but it went to fast.

I will post as we do more projects or I try out a new recipe.

Mike and the kids on the boat:)


  1. Awwwww, I was hoping for some pictures of your adventures with the kids. As I said, it's fun to see Mike smiling..LOL!!
    I expected to see some photos from the boat, or you guys fishing.

    Oh well, it was great to hear that you had a wonderful time with the family. That is what it's all about!
    Are you about ready to close up the house in Florida, pack up the van and Jeep, and head back up to TN? I'm sure you will have quite a few projects there.

    Always looking forward to the next installment of M&LW.

    1. Sadly we didn't get too many pictures. I added one of Mike taking the kids out on the boat. They all liked doing that,

      We did have fun just hanging out with them. We played lots of games, talked a lot and ate a ton, lol.

      Mike doesn't want to leave here yet. It will be hard having to take care of two places now. We haven't picked a date to leave yet. It think Mike wants to get some relaxing time in and also some fishing. I just want to get home in time to go plant shopping with Nicole:)

    2. Thanks for the added picture. Amazing how much the kids have grown. We've been following your blog for a few years now, and they do grow like weeds don't they. :-)
      The grandson (sorry, I've forgotten his name) looks to be bigger than Mike.....though that may be a photographic illusion, but I doubt it.

      Glad you had a great time with the visit.

      I agree with's finally time to slow down and enjoy what you have some fishing, and just relax a bit. After all, that was the reason for buying the Florida property in the first place...when you thought the stresses of the TN place were causing health problems.....don't forget that!! You guys have to slow down and smell the flowers from time to time.....

      As always; looking forward to the next installment.

    3. I agree with PapPappy! Time to slow down a bit and enjoy the fruit of your labor. And I too am looking forward to the next installment!


  2. Nice picture of Mike and kids. I with PapPappy you two need down time to just enjoy the small stuff and visit what is close to you. You can always start the garden here in seed form and travel with them. Anyway enjoy.


    1. Thank you. We decided we need to get bored before we tackle the outside next year.

  3. What a great picture. Thank you for sharing. You all deserve some relaxation time. Take it and take some time to plan your next move. This place looks great and I know you all must be anxious to check on the other "home".


    1. Relaxing a bit, catching up with old friends and making new ones. Then we are going back to TN. I am excited..Mike is sad.

  4. Wanted to add the old saying....."a bad day fishing is better than a good day at work"....tell Mike to go after those big mouth bass, a nice 101b Of course, you could stick around and wait for the speckled perch to go on bed....good fun and good eating......

    Have fun !


    1. Mike is going to fish and I will take a book in the boat.:):)

  5. Not sure if you are still answering questions but I was wondering if you had any tips for keeping down plaster dust when removing plaster, especially in the room where you are working?

  6. It's been long enough....LOL!!

    I know I was the one who suggested that you guys take a break, and enjoy the fruits of your labor, but that was before I realized that you would actually do it!! :-)

    I just know that you haven't been sitting by twiddling your thumbs or reading in the boat the whole time....what else has been happening? Are you back up in TN? How was the place after the hard winter?

    We just got used to reading the blog...and miss you guys. Kinda like how we get bummed out when we have to wait 8 months for the next installment of Downton Abbey! LOL!!
