
Monday, February 23, 2015

Wrapping Things Up…A Little Of This and That

Mike and I are coming to the end for this year's work on the house here.  We have a few odd jobs and then I will do the before and afters for this year.

For now just a quick update on some oddball things.

Now that we are just about finished with our inside jobs for this year we can clean up the garage.  First we have to take everything out and it's a lot of stuff.  We decided to use the trailer to make our lives easier.

And more stuff.

The garage is cleared out and Mike starts to pressure wash:

And I take over…what a wet mess this was:

We have to wait until it all dries out before we can bring all the things back in and organize.

Once it is dry Mike stars putting the shelf units back together:

After moving all of this stuff back and forth Mike and I have been talking about how simple our lives were when we lived and traveled in our motorhome.  It was really freeing when we lived that life.

Mike finally working on the trim for around the front doors:

Oh yay…I get to paint.  I don't mind painting rooms and walls but  hate painting trim.  BTW, Nicole just rave reviews on the green Frog tape for painting.  Next time I will have to try it.  I am so sick and tired of the blue painter's tape tearing and leaking through when I paint.

Time to do something about the "original" garage door coverings.  There are two sliding glass doors in that room which we call the den.  At this time we think we are just going to clean up the room and put the pool table in there.  But first we have to take out the ugly blinds:

One section is down and Mike hangs the brackets for some vertical blinds:

One door is complete.  we thought about different options but verticals really do work best on sliding doors:

And from the inside.  They are much better than what was there:

As you can see Niki has been sunning while we work, lol.

That's all for this week's update.  We are coming down to the end.  Next week I will post about our new water filtration system for the house and then after that I will post the before and afters.

Once March rolls around Mike and I will be taking a break.  The kids are coming down to visit:):) and then we will be getting ready to head north.

Have a great week and I will post again next Monday.



  1. I'm going to miss reading and looking at the photos of this project......though you deserve a vacation too!
    Of course, I'm sure you'll be equally busy with the family coming down to, boating, and all the other stuff that goes along with the visit.
    I have noticed your fashion statement Lisa....the sweatshirt skape (half skirt / half cape) wear it in so many of your photos....LOL!!
    Considering the weather this past week, I'm surprised you are not waiting an extra month in Florida, before heading back to TN.

    1. Ha, ha…I drive Mike crazy when I wear a sweatshirt with shorts, lol.

      I am very excited about the kids coming to visit. Maybe if we show them all the nice places with no snow we will all end up here at some point:)

      I do want to go back in time to have a small garden in TN. I will only do the top one this year as we may have to travel back and forth.

  2. I so enjoy your blog and watching the progress of the work on your houses. You both are gifted and work together well. When Niki is in the picture I always smile. Thank you for sharing your lives with us, it is so appreciated.

    1. Aww...thanks Deb. Niki is part of our whole blog now for a long time so I have to try and catch pictures of her here and there:)

  3. I bet you can't wait for the kids to get down! Hope you are not coming back until April, it is so cold here, and that s word keeps coming up on the news!


    1. I am very excited:) I know…Nicole says she is so tired of winter and it's not over yet. I hope they have no problems getting down or going back.

  4. I know how much you just love to do that trim painting, but I wonder if the white paint around the front door was too bright. I was thinking that a color closer to the wall color might have looked a bit better. But, then there are the other windows which have white trim...and I don't know if they are metal/vinyl which you wouldn't I guess it is what it is. The vertical blinds in the "den" are will be happy with them.

    Do you plan to rent out the place during the summer while you are up in TN? How far are you from any of the major FL attractions. Years ago, we had a weekend rental of a house, and I'm pretty sure it was run by a real estate agency, with the actual owners being "snow-birds" who were only down for the winter months, but got some income during the other 6-7 months when they were back north.

    1. Shh….I don't want to hear about another color on the trim, lol. I used what we had…maybe Mike can paint it next time, lol.

      The blinds work great for that room. We should be getting the pool table set up soon:)

      No we won't rent it out but I'm sure we will travel back and forth a bit. We are close to attractions. An hours or so to swim with the manatees:) and about 45 minutes to Disney plus all the local things to do here.
