
Monday, December 22, 2014

More Lights, Some Trim Painting, and A Cool New Tool

Hello everyone.  It has been a very busy week for Mike and I.  Last week we picked up our flooring and installed it, picked up our kitchen cabinets and put them together, and tomorrow we have a furniture delivery.  It's almost starting to feel like a home but before we get to all of that let me take you back to some of the small stuff.

Ah…time for some trim painting.  This is not one of my favorite jobs and one of the few painting jobs that I use tape for.  Getting the front door trim painted white:

Then I moved onto the spare bedroom closet.  The shelves are in good shape they just need to be freshened up:

And the white is complete:

And now for another dilemma, lol.  The main living room does no have a switch for the overhead light.  Mike came up with the idea to put a remote control inside the light we bought and put the remote control on the wall.  Sounds good so we went shopping for a light and a remote.  We found a remote in the ceiling fan section and bought a light.  After getting the light home we found out that the remote would not fit inside the ceiling light.  So back to the store for a larger based light.

We found only one that would fit the remote.

Mike starts working on the electrical for the new light:

Installing the remote inside the base of our light:

The base going up:

And the globe:

Screwing in the holder for the remote:

And the remote.  Yay…now we can switch the light on from the wall:)

And our new light:

While we were out I picked up some globes for the kitchen light:

Ooh…color…I like:

Do all of you remember the "den" where the washer and dryer is?  Well that room has become our catch all and it is a huge mess.  Mike decided to cut one of our shelves down and use it to organize that room a little.  We will eventually put the shelves in the garage but for now we desperately need one.  It's the first time we could get to it, lol.

Mike cuts the legs down from one of our old shelves:

Screwing the legs and shelves together:

Mike screws in the shelves:

Our newer version of our shelf:

Now Mike can clean up his mess, lol:

My next story will be about us installing our new floor but until then let me tell you about Mike's new cool tool:)  Whenever we do flooring it is always a hassle to get the flooring under the door trim.  In the past Mike has had to cut the trim using his saws all or the cut off wheel.  Neither one of those tools is really meant for the job.  This time he bought the tool that is made for this job.  It is called an Oscillating tool.

Mike tries it on the first piece of trim:

He has cut through:

And pulling the small piece of trim out:

Nice.  This will make it so much easier when we install the flooring:

That's all for now.  Next Monday I will show you our new floor.  Have a great week and a Very Merry Christmas.



  1. Have a Merry Christmas from Ohio!!
    Just love new tools LOL :)
    I wish you well..


  2. Looking Good!!
    Those oscolating tools are great. I used to cut the trim with a japanese flat saw type thing, that I would lay on a scrap piece of flooring, then just saw sideways. It was very simple to use, but not as easy as these new tools. Yes, I bought one too, and you can use it for a wide variety of things, as you can change the blades on them. I'm almost surprised that you hadn't had one before, considering the remodel work you guys do so often.

    We used a similar switch for our bedroom, to control the fan and ceiling light, as the light switch in the room was for a wall outlet (table lamps). They work very well....though you may want to get some velcro for the back, so it doesn't fall out of that holder......though you don't have a 4 year old running around the house either..LOL!!

    Can't wait to see the floors.....oh, and the kitchen lights look GREAT! Adding that color really makes it POP!!
