
Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Sneak Peek At Our New Florida House

Mike and I are getting itchy for our new project.  This one is a bit different than our normal area.  We fell in love with the lot:)  The outside of the house looks good…but the inside…well I will show that to you next week:)

And now for the lot which we think is pretty amazing.  It's like our own Island:

And now a look around the house on the outside.  Mike and I have been going over ideas and changes but we need to see it again before we decided for sure.

The front of the house….which we think we are going to move:

The front door…right now:

This is where we think it should be:

On the above picture we think the "original" front door was where the slider is.  We also know that the original garage was on the right where the other sliders are.  That has now been made into a spare room.

And for some more outside pics.

The two main bedrooms which are identical:

The kitchen door and dining(?) area:

Our new yard:

More yard:

And Mike's new workshop/garage…which is bigger than our house in TN, lol.  Nicole is already calling dibs on it:

We think it is pretty cool and we are getting pretty excited to make some changes.  Once we get down to FL, I will share the inside pics and some ideas.  We may need some help with this one.

We also have to teach Niki about alligators.  She would make a nice snack and I don't want that to happen to Princess Niki.:)

Mike didn't want me to keep all of you hanging so I shared the outside pics.  I hope you enjoyed them and I will post more pics next week:)  He also just said I didn't give you "good" outside pics.  Now we will all have to wait.


  1. I love love love this lot! I cannot wait to see what y'all do on this reno!


  2. Wow! The house and property is beautiful & private. Is the property reachable by boat only?

    1. It is actually a peninsula but it feels like our own private place:)

  3. Oh my gosh, what a lovely spot! All I can think of is that things happen for a reason, and Mike's scare led you to this place in this time. It almost makes me weepy, really. gentlearts

    1. Thank you. Sometimes things do happen for a reason without us even realizing it.:)

  4. Very impressive. I can see why you fell in love with the place. Down side might be how it handles Hurricanes/flooding?

    Since the garage is about the size of the place in TN, I know I'll be on Nicole's good side, if I suggest that you fix up the garage for you and Mike, and let Nicole and family, move down to take over the large house. No, Nicole didn't pay me to say that...LOL!!

    I can't wait to see the rest of the pictures, and for what it's worth, those were very nice outside pictures you posted.
    I guess I can assume that the white mark on that arial shot, is the road coming up to the property? I would also assume that this is not an island as suggested, but a peninsula, but since it's got so much water around it, it has that island feel. That is a lake, right, so it's freshwater, not saltwater, so I can see why you need to teach Niki about the gators.
    My Dad had suggested that he was going to toughen up their dog, by feeding him rocks, so that he would be able to take care of the gators, when they moved down to Florida 35 years ago.....fortunately, Gypsy, never had to be tested...LOL!!

    So, when do you plan to head south and begin this project? We're all waiting!!

    1. I think this house will be safer flood wise than the gulf homes that we have had in the past.

      Ha, ha…Nicole would love that:) Yes it is freshwater. Mike prefers that for fishing.

      No rocks for Niki girl, lol.

  5. Nice Mike and Lisa! Yes, teach Niki all about alligators and nasty snakes, tell her to sunbath in the dinning area. It's beautiful and private, nice not to have immediate neighbors.


    1. Thank you. I will teach her. One good thing about Niki getting old is she doesn't go far anymore, lol. I can see her sunbathing right outside the kitchen door.

  6. Very nice and your own peninsula. Is it fresh or salt water? Seeing as how the grass grows down to the shore I’m guessing it’s fresh. Looks like you’ll need to fill up you boathouse. lol The shop is some great space, nice to have for all your projects and storage. Is this going to be your winter house or is it to flip? Can’t wait to see the inside

    1. It is a large freshwater lake. Yes…Mike is already looking for a bass boat, lol. He loves fishing on lakes…much more so than saltwater.

      Right now we plan on keeping it….but don't hold me to that, lol.

      I'll take pics of the inside next week. I wish I could video tape it to give all of you the feel of it. It really isn't bad…it's just an odd layout.

  7. You need to create a Mike and Lisa World Flag for the flag pole!!

    The more I see of the outside of the house, and the attention the previous owners seemed to make to the upkeep, I am really wondering about the interior, because of the reservations you seemed to have with it. Of course, it may just be that the lay-out is a bit strange, and after looking at the "front" door, I'm wondering about it more and it next week yet???

    1. Mike loves the idea of a flag..or at least a big entry sign for us:)

      As I told Gary, the house isn't really bad…it is "move in". It's just the layout. It is almost next week:)

  8. Looks like a great location and an even greater project for you two. I'll look forward to following along. :)

  9. I am excited about your "island". It is beautiful and since I am a native Floridian, I am pleased that you like it. I will say that I wonder about flooding as it does look awfully low. The outside yard is well kept and the outside of the house doesn't look bad at all, to Yep, alligators and Nikki will not go well, plus the pythons and water mocassins. Please be careful of those as they are a fact of live here in our paradise. The workspace I would die for and I know Mike will love it.

    Good luck and looking forward to your new adventure. I hope all is well with Mike, healthwise, and WEAR THOSE MASKS !

    Annie/AnnieA/Annie143 (I can't remember who I am on here)

    1. I don't think it is worse, flooding wise, than some of our other Florida houses. I will have to learn about the "critters" on the lakes though. We will be careful.

      We will be wearing masks:)

      And you want me to remember, lol. I can hardly remember my own passwords.:)

  10. Private mountaintop to private peninsula. Perfect for you 2.
    Don't forget an RV space for visitors, LOL


    1. My thoughts exactly! Talk about a contrast... from the mountains to the sea. Can't wait to see what you two do with this one.

    2. RV spot…check:)

      Thank you both. We like private:) As much as Mike and I like to socialize, we do prefer no close neighbors, lol.

  11. Wow! That place could be a show case home. I'm sure it will when you two get done with it.

  12. I was just looking at the doors openings and the walls look very thick. Are the walls concrete?
    Is it next week yet? lol

    1. I'm pretty sure most of them are. It looks like this house was added onto at different times. Some of the outside walls are now interior walls. We will know more when we get the sledgehammer out, lol. I will try to post a story later and then a house update after. The move was exhausting and we are in the process of unpacking.

    2. Take a break and rest up, there's always tomorrow. Glad you made it down, hope the trip went smoothly.

    3. Thanks Gary….BTW we tried to widen an opening in a door yesterday for furniture. It is made of steel. Mike hasn't even seen construction like this in commercial buildings. I don't think we will be able to tear out much of anything.

  13. Hi Lisa, SassyKat&Joe from the Tennessee City Data forums here - what part of Florida is this? We used to live near Ocala, and it looks like some of the lakes in that area. So glad that Mike is healthy, and you don't have to sell that wonderful place in Tennessee. Joe was talking like he wanted to buy a place back there, and to the snowbird thing a few days ago. I pulled up online listing, and pointed out the cost of property tax info. Stopped him in his tracks! We will just take the travel trailer down for the worst of the winter!

    1. We are fairly close to Ocala. We will go back and forth for now. Yes the taxes are much different in FL as opposed to TN. Let me know if you guys decide to do the snowbird thing. Mike and I know some good parks.

    2. We are going down to spend the Thanksgiving holiday with family this year, and will be staying at Grand Lake in Citra for a few days. SassyKat&Joe

    3. Nice. That is where we stayed for winters when we were RVing.

  14. Wow! Love this spot. This spot really overall conveys the meaning of the "world" you used in your title. Really, it is the other world for both of you. Eager to see the interior pics of your house.
    - Limestone Flooring and Countertops
