
Tuesday, September 23, 2014

A New Storm Door and Our First Sale At The Store…Finally

Mike and I are finally on track fro opening the store.  We figured since it was getting pretty full it was time to have some weekend sales.  First we have to install the storm door that we bought last year, lol.

Mike hates doing storm doors.  First he checks to see if the frame will fit our opening:

Now that the frame looks good, we take it off and screw the frame into the door.  It's easier to do while it the door is not on the frame:

The frame is screwed on the door:

Screwing the frame and door to the door jam:

Screwing the other side into the door jam:

Screwing the handle on the door:

Adding the bracket to hold the door closer:

Putting the door closer on:

Ooh it looks nice.  Now we have a glass door with a screen:

All done:

Now we are ready.  This past Friday and Saturday we opened the store for our first big yard sale.

Here is our sale.

Outside stuff:

And inside:

Ella gave us her doll house and dolls to sell.  She is trying to make money for her Space Camp trip:

Mike's little baggies of hardware.  We have learned over the years that people love the little baggies of stuff, lol:

Some cabinets:

Some of the chairs:

More things:

My shelves of household stuff….mostly from Nicole, lol:

And the books I have read:

More stuff from the kids…does anyone want to buy some nice puppets?:

Nicole's old Island cabinets:

I told you we had a lot of stuff, lol.  We did very well for two days of selling.  A lot of the big stuff is already gone.  We will do some more sales into the fall and then close it up for the year.

Next week I will update you on some new things to come.

Have a great week.


  1. Looks good. i am glad you did well. Very glad to see a new post though I know you all are really busy. I am looking forward to the new purchase in Fl, I suppose. You alll make me tired but I love it.

    Good luck.


  2. Congratulations on the new Grand Opening :)
    Glad its a success. Shame, most new stores close after their first year, looks like your not even going to make a season LOL :)
    I wish you well...


    1. We should do well through the Fall:)….thanks Jesse

  3. I wish you well. Your target market is limited by your location, but maybe they are hungry for a place to buy stuff.

  4. so, is the place for sale in Tn ? How much ? free and clear legally ?

    1. The store is for sale. Not sure what you mean by free and clear legally??? Let me know where you are to see if it might work for you. Send me a comment with your e-mail and I won't publish it.

  5. Wish I lived on your side of the country as I would have been at your sale. Why are you guys selling your log splitter, are you moving off the hill? Look forward to the next update. Take Care..

    1. Some things have come up. I will post Tuesday when I know more.

    2. Well it's now Wed. Oct. 1, where's the beef? lol

    3. A little impatient, lol. J/K…I'm going now to write it:)

  6. well you have made it sound as if yall were leaving Tn. and I am inquiring about the 35 or 40 acres, the barn, the berm house, not the store. Free and clear legally refers to the past postings of neighbor problems, right of way problems, property lines, and maybe others that I haven't heard of.

    1. Ah…yes all issues have been resolved and there are no more problems:) Check back next week and I will let everyone know what is going on.
