
Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Getting Water to my Garden, Organizing the Store & More Painting

Hello all.  Sorry I am late in posting this.  Last Sunday I hurt my shoulder, was on the mend and re hurt it the other day.  At the same time Mike hurt his back….grr!!!  Sometimes this getting older stuff is no fun, lol.  At least we do things together.  Oh and Nicole fell down her steps last week and really hurt her foot.  So Sunday breakfast came and poor Ella was with a bunch of broken adults, lol, which we are not allowed to be next Sunday:)

Last week Mike had a great idea for getting water down to my garden:)  We have an underground drain pipe that runs from our gutter, underneath our front yard for about 20 feet and then out of the ground so the water can go downhill.  He decided to run a piece of pex(since we have extra) in the drain tube under the ground and to our faucet.

Mike unrolling some pex to feed up into our underground tube:

The opening of our drain pipe and the pex is inside it and up to the house:

The pex coming out of the drain pipe and Mike will hook that up to our water faucet:

The other end.  Mike ran the pex to outside our yard(fence) and hooked the pex up to my hose:

The pex and hose running to my garden:

For now it works.  It is better than having a hose laying on the front yard all the time.  At some point we will run an underground waterline all the way to my garden:

Back to the store for a little more work.  Getting ready to put the bathroom together.  Mike starts with the toilet:

Putting the toilet on the wax seal.  OK…why didn't anyone catch what we did wrong last year, lol???? What did we forget to do before the drywall went up?  

Cutting the hole in the vanity for the drain pipe:

Our little vanity and sink in place but no water line to the toilet…grr!!  I blame Niki…she wasn't there to supervise us, lol.  Oh well…just another thing to fix:

After that round we went to the Farm Supply and picked up our new septic tank and chambers.  We want to be ready to go when our grader calls us back:)

The next day we did some moving of shelves and organizing:

And the best part of the week for me:)  It's time to get all my plants in the ground.  Everything is down by the garden and ready to go:

My tomatoes are going in:

Adding straw:

My square foot garden is also planted:

The next day Mike and I went in the barn and grabbed all of the extra water line.  He promised to run a water line down to Nicole's garden.  We went to her house and got about 200 feet of water line run to her garden.  She is very happy about that:)

And the final job for the week.  I talked Mike into painting the living room section:

The two walls in the kitchen and LR are the same color.  We will tone it down a bit by painting a shade darker on the front wall and back wall of the house….to be continued:)

Yesterday we went to Lowe's to pick up more paint and also 2 kitchen cabinets.  We are going to make and Island for my kitchen.  I looked at countertop materials yesterday and I don't like any of them.(yeah I will settle for anything but I don't "like" most things…I'm just a tad picky, lol)  I thought I liked Quartz until I saw the price….holy moly.  No that is not happening.  I think I found a nice laminate color and I will call the company today to get a larger sample.

We should also be getting our septic in this week:)

That's all for now.  Have a great week and I will post again next week.



  1. so about this store ... have yall had any open fer business hours yet ? seems like a glorified storage room to me lol. but actually I realize its just a location to keep yer place isolated and hands off.

    1. LOL..true but it is a good place for it. The building is really about the investment and it will give us something to do occasionally, lol.

  2. Looking good! Can't wait to see the counter top and paint!


    1. Thanks Kats. The paint I can show you…the countertop is still in thinking mode:)

  3. Okay, so as I understand it the store is not that far from the house...just start at the garden and continue the pex/hose/pex combo until you reach the store and TA-DAH!... you have your water supply for the toilet! lol


    1. LOL..thanks for that. I'll run that one by Mike:)
