
Monday, April 14, 2014

Moving A Shed, Outdoor Work, and the Mother Earth News Fair

It has been a busy week and Mike and I have been involved in all kinds of things.  On a bad note we got one of our properties back in TN…but on a good note we have a contract on it now:)  Yes it all happened very fast.  Before we got the contract Mike decided he wanted our old shed.  First we had to find a mover as it is a good sized shed.

Monday after the rain we got a call from our shed mover and he said he was in his way to pick up our shed.  Mike wanted to bring it up to our house but when we saw the size of the load coming down the highway we decided to leave it at the store.

They are at the store with the shed:

Very cool.  I have never seen this kind of trailer.  It has rollers so the shed slides right off:

Almost off:

Just another building at the store, lol:

The next day we got three loads of crush and run gravel to spread over the big rocks on the driveway:

All spread out…next up we will have to see about drilling a well and installing the septic:

Ah…back to planting seedlings, lol.  The never ending job.  The ones we have planted seem to be doing well so far.  The spot where the deer were only one got nibbled on:

We had to wait for the land to dry out a little before we could seed and hay the spot where we took the shed:

I sure do miss this pond:

Wow…this is one of the trees we planted.  It is three times as tall as me:

On Saturday Mike and I took a day for ourselves and went to a fair that Mother Earth News had.  It didn't have as much solar as Mike was hoping for.  They had many seminars which might be interesting to many.  As it was we just walked the fair.  We did get to see a tiny home, solar ovens, lots and lots of seeds, natural beauty products, and of course baby animals.  Here is the link in case some of you might want to check one out closer to you:
Mother Earth News Fair

We got back home early enough for Mike to get more cow manure for me:)

My garden is getting there.  One more load of manure and I can clean it up and get ready for planting:

Sunday we had breakfast with the kids and then Mike took our grandson driving while I went home with the girls to see Nicole's garden.  She did a great job on her fence.

After we left it was time to get the BA truck ready to sell.  We got a new oil pan for it and it is running very well.  Now it's time to clean this monster:

Mike vacuuming the back out:

OK…it is very gross…Mike decides to hose the back out while I shampoo the front floor areas:

My turn to jump in back and give it some elbow grease:

We got a good amount cleaned up on the truck but we need to pick up some stronger chemicals to finish it up.  The natural cleaning products just didn't cut it.

Later on we got a picture of our granddaughter.  Seems like we were all working outside today:)  Here she is.  She made a house from sticks. I think we may have to make a family adventure of building her a playhouse.

That's all for now.  The weather has turned cooler so we will be a little slower at the beginning of this week.

Have a great week and I will write in on Monday.  Happy Easter.


  1. Your post made me nostalgic for my garden shed (it had a cute little porch and window boxes) and our pond in Ohio.
    Then, I snap out of it and remember all the hard work it takes to keep up a big yard. Do you think, when you get older, you will ever go to a little yard in a warmer climate?


    1. What a sweet memory:) Yes a big yard/land is a lot of work. We toss ideas around but I don't think we will move from here unless we are just unable to maintain it anymore. Also as long as the kids are so close I'm sure we will stay. Now when I hit about 65 and Mike is 73 it might be time for a small yard.

  2. Have you considered renting a tiller for a weekend, to really dig up and mix that manure in to the large garden area. I don't think they are that expensive, and it will really improve the soil mixture.

    Can you give any details as to why the other property got turned back to you? Though we're glad that things have turned for the good.....gee, this is the second property in the past few months.....a trend? LOL!!

    Can't wait for the "Family Adventure" building the little house for the grand-daughter....

    1. Mike told me to buy a tiller until he saw the price of one, lol. My garden is small enough and I can use the exercise right now. If I go bigger I may change my mind. Nicole does a no tilling garden. I will see how hers does this year.

      More people seem to be in financial trouble than we realize.

      Now we just have to convince Mike of the family adventure:)

    2. This is why I suggested a rental....if they have them in the pay about $40-50 for a weekend, and only need it once a year.
      Believe me, you'll get about the same exercise hanging on to the darn thing! LOL!!
      If you do think of renting one, get the rear-tine (like a Troybilt), as it's much better on an initial garden....the front tine ones are jumping all over the place, and don't seem to dig in as deep for that mixing of the soil and compost/manure.

    3. Thanks for the info. I may need one next year:)
