
Thursday, July 11, 2013

Blue Ribbon Pecan Pie Muffins

Pecan Pie Muffins

This is a winner recipe.  Every time I make it I am asked to share the recipe.  I got this recipe from a friend of mine.  Her daughter entered these muffins in a state fair and got a blue ribbon.  Try them and you will see why.

Here are the ingredients to make 60-65 mini muffins:

2 c. Brown sugar, packed
1 c. Flour
2 c. Pecans, chopped
1 1/3 c. butter, melted
4 lg Eggs, beaten

My pictures show the ingredients for half a batch but the directions are the same:

Combine brown sugar, flour & pecans; set aside.

Combine butter & eggs; mix well.

Stir in flour mixture until moistened

Fill mini muffin cups 2/3 full.

Bake 350º for 15-20 minutes or until done.

Remove from pans & cool on wire racks.
Do not let the muffins sit in the pan to long.  They will harden once the sugar cools.

They may not look too pretty(that was my fault) but they taste delicious and can be eaten right away or frozen for a future treat.

Give them a try.  Everyone who has ever tried these loved them.  They are now part of my Christmas Cookie trays.

Thank you to Jaxson and her DD:):)


  1. Awww shucks Lisa so happy you get to share the wonders of these muffins with so many. They are amazing took us a little while to tweak the recipe but even the judge left a note on her scorecard asking her for the recipe. :) This was after the ribbons had been passed out so no insider trading was going on. LOL

    1. You and your DD would be stars here, lol. All of my local friends and neighbors love these.:) I have been asked for this recipe numerous times.

  2. The recipe says 1 1/3 cups butter but in the picture you have 1 stick and a 1/3 stick of butter. 1 stick is only 1/2 cup. So what is the correct amount of butter?

    1. I am so sorry. I made those awhile back. I only made a half batch from the pictures. Please follow the ingredients list that I wrote.

      Here are the ingredients:

      2 c. Brown sugar, packed
      1 c. Flour
      2 c. Pecans, chopped
      1 1/3 c. butter, melted
      4 lg Eggs, beaten

      That will make about 60-65 mini muffins.

  3. Your list of ingredients show 4 eggs, but the photo only shows 2 eggs. Which is correct?


    1. I am so sorry. I made those awhile back. I only made a half batch from the pictures. Please follow the ingredients list that I wrote.

      Here are the ingredients:

      2 c. Brown sugar, packed
      1 c. Flour
      2 c. Pecans, chopped
      1 1/3 c. butter, melted
      4 lg Eggs, beaten

      That will make about 60-65 mini muffins.

  4. Lisa, we added a cup of mini-chocolate chips to your recipe and reduced the butter to 1 1/3 sticks of butter. They turned out really well.

    Next time, I'm going to also add a cup of coconut with the chocolate chips.


    1. That sounds good. Let me know how it turns out with the coconut and chocolate chips.
