
Thursday, June 13, 2013

Simple And Moist Pork Chops For Two

I don't eat pork chops often but when I do this is the way I like them.  Growing up my mother made pork chops a lot.  She would use an electric skillet, pour some oil in the pan and fry them until they were like dried hockey pucks.  You really needed the applesauce to help the pork chops, lol.  My mother was a fantastic cook but pork chops were not her thing, lol.  Needless to say I was very happy to find an easy and moist recipe for pork chops:)

Since my husband doesn't care for pork chops I am only making enough for me for two meals.

You will need:
Two pork chops
1 onion
1 small can of mushrooms
Packet or jar of pork or chicken gravy mix
Kitchen Bouquet or Gravy Master to flavor and darken the gravy
Salt and pepper to taste
As an extra....potato pancake mix

Pour a little oil in a pan and brown the chops on both sides.  Sprinkle with salt and pepper:

Make enough gravy for 1 cup.  Put the drained mushrooms and sliced onions on top of the pork chops and pour the gravy on top.  Cover the pan and simmer up to 45 minutes depending on the thickness of your pork chops.  You want them tender:

Serve with your favorite sides.  I really like applesauce with mine.  Red cabbage also goes nicely with this:

This can also be made in a crockpot for fall apart pork chops.  Yum and I hope you enjoy.


  1. This is the way we make them on the Tugboat...though we make enough for 7 people, and instead of cooking in the frying pan, after browning, they are moved to a baking pan, then covered with the gravy....than baked in the oven for about 45-60 minutes (350-degrees, I think?)

  2. I will have to give this recipe to Joe - he loves anything smothered in onions and mushrooms! My dad always just fried them in a pan, but he would cover them with honey and some pepper first. They always came out tender and yummy.

    1. Yum on the honey. I will have to try that also:)

  3. I have never seen potato pancake mix! Wow! Learn something new every day! What's the deal with this stuff? Add water and an egg or something, then pan fry? Looks good!


    1. You just add eggs and water. Mine came out a little pale because I tried to save calories by not using oil. They are best when fried in a pan with oil. Yum:)

  4. You know my motto "pork chops rule" in fact I am chewing on one right now I had leftover from last night's supper. :D)

    Kats I never knew about potato pancake mix either see we are learning eh? Lisa I can't remember are you canning any potatoes yet? If so you could drain them well mash them up with a fork add your egg etc. and make the pancakes too.


    1. I just has a pork chop last night and I will have leftovers tonight. Yum. Maybe I'll try my pear sauce with them:)

      Hmm...good idea. No I didn't can any potatoes this year but I do have some from last year:)
