
Monday, June 3, 2013

Chapter 154...Time To Get The Plywood On The Roof And Seal Up The Store

Good morning everyone.  Mike and I have been busy working on our property and today we will get back to working on the store.  Let me take you back a couple of weeks and tell you about getting the store closed up from the elements.

We have a couple of rough days of work ahead of us.  We couldn't get back to work on the roof because of the rain.  At least we got the trusses off the ground and nailed in so they won't be warped.

Our first day back to working on the store after all the rain didn't start out so well.  It poured that morning and we had to cancel our shingle order.  Later that day it began to clear up.  Mike and I met a man and sold him a couple of solar panels.  By the time the man left the weather was looking better.  Woo hoo....time to get to the store and do some work:)

Now to see how everything held up.  The tarps did a pretty good job and it looks like most of our wood is safe but it is a wet mess.  It will be good when we can stay dry:

Mike nailing up the fascia on the back of the store:

Now that all of the fascia board is up it's time to get the plywood on the roof...oh joy, lol:

To make sure we don't get hurt Mike and I each take an end of the plywood and shove it on top of the roof.  The first plywood sheet is up and Mike is nailing it down to the trusses:

Moving along the front of the roof.  Mike wants to get the first rows on the front and back of the building done.  The next rows will be easier to work on since we can both be on the roof:

How it looks from the inside:

We got 6 sheets of plywood on the roof and nailed down on the front side.  Next we work on the back side of the store.  Mike is getting close to finishing the first row in the back:

We are done with the first rows of plywood on the front and back of the building:

We got 12 sheets of plywood nailed on:

After we get done with that we call it a day.  The next day is going to be a very full and rough day for the two of us.  We need to get the rest of the plywood up and installed and we also need to put down the ice and water coating until we can shingle it.

Mike and I wake up knowing it will be hard on us today.  We pack up the car with all the tools, snacks and lots of water.

Setting up:

We use the same system for getting the plywood on the roof.  Mike and I each take and end and throw it on top of the roof.  Mike clips the next sheet of plywood to the one below it and starts to nail it to the truss:

While we are working on the roof the delivery comes for our shingles:

And more plywood:

We also ordered 5 rolls of Grip Rite Eave and Valley Protector.  Roof Protector  This is some great stuff and gives you an instant protected roof until the shingles can be installed:  

These boxes are really heavy so I help Mike load a couple of boxes onto the tractor to help us get them on the roof:

Mike getting the boxes onto the roof:

OK...back to work.  Now that the first row is done and more sheets of plywood have been thrown on the roof I can help Mike.  We are ready to go:

After we use the clips to attach the sheet to the one below it, Mike nails it to the truss:

We are trying to beat any bad weather so we move as fast as we can.  It's a system.  We throw the plywood on top of the roof, get the clips on and nail the plywood sheets to the trusses.  We are almost done with the full sheets of plywood:

It's starting to close up from the inside of the building.  The quicker we can close it in the drier it will stay:

Now that all of the full sheets of plywood are up we have to measure and cut the strips to install them.  Thankfully the strips are much lighter than the full sheets.  We get them cut and thrown up on the roof.  Mike gets the first one in place to nail it down:

The clouds are coming in and we need to get this roof protected.  The plywood is done:

Next Mike installs the drip edge.  The drip edge is a metal piece that goes over the edge of the roof and off the end of the roof.  It is used to divert water and protect the walls of the building form the water coming off the roof:

While Mike does that I get the roof ready for the Grip rite Protector.  I use the blower to clean off any extra debris on the roof:

Now it's time to get the protection on the plywood.  The Grip Rite comes in heavy rolls that stick to the plywood.  Mike and I roll out about 12 feet at a time, cut it off, put it in place and peel back the backing so we can stick it to the roof.  The first section is down and Mike cuts the next one:

The front side of the roof is done and now completely protected from any bad weather:

Today was our messiest day on the job.  Mike and I like to clean as we go but today it was more important to close up before the rain:

I am sticking down one of the last pieces of Grip Rite:

Most people don't use Grip Rite on the whole roof but because of all of the rain we have been having Mike and I wanted the extra security in keeping the plywood on the roof dry and protected.

After a very long day we are still not done.  The last thing we have to do is get the 24 bundles of shingles on top of the roof.  Since the bundles each weigh about 75 pounds Mike and I work together by opening the pack and placing the shingles into the tractor bucket.  While Mike unloads them onto the roof I will spread them around to get ready for the install.

Mike pulling the shingles off the tractor:

After Mike unloads the tractor bucket I get all the shingles spread out across the roof:

It was an exhausting day and we kicked butt:) and we got it done and just in time.  The rain started as we were cleaning up the garbage.

Now we have to wait for another dry day to get the shingles done.

We are just happy that the store is closed up and protected.  Now it will stay dry.

I hope you all enjoyed this story.  Have a great week and I will write again soon:)


  1. You two are absolutely amazing! Looking good.

    1. Thank you. It's a good thing we like to work together:)

  2. Another great story! DH and I are remodeling a home by ourselves now and I am amazed at how long some projects actually end up taking, even when there are no problems.

    Will you be adding any windows to the store?

    1. Thank you.

      They make it look so easy on TV, lol. Good luck on your remodel.

      No windows for the store. It will be safer that way. We will dress it up though:)

  3. I am tired just from reading all of this! I was wondering about the windows too. Do you think it is going to be dark inside without them? (Knowing you, y'all have already thought of this!) :) It always amazes me how much y'all acomplish so quickly!


    1. Thanks Kat.

      I think it will be fine. Our skating rink had no windows and it was huge. This store is much smaller and we will have white walls and white shelves. We also bought long lights for inside. We will make sure it is bright:)

  4. I know that you are breathing easier now that the building is secured and dried in. I always breathed a sigh of relief when I got that far :-)


    1. It does feel good. Now we can take our time and enjoy the rest of the building:)

  5. OK....I'm worn out again.....:-)
    So, why not install a ridge vent on the building? I know that you can always install it later, but now is the time, and it would really help with the attic circulation.

    I like the idea of cutting those sheets into 12' lengths. I've tried rolling out about 30' once, and what a pain in the butt!! Wish I had read your thread 30 years ago...LOL!!

    1. We will be installing vents in the sides of the "attic". We just haven;t found the right ones yet.

      Mike and I first used the roll out ice and water protector on our roof. We did it in very long sheets as per Mike, lol, and it did not go well. It is so much easier to work with it in smaller sections:)

  6. Great work you two.

    Only problem I can see is that only one of you knows how to operate a camera?


    1. LOL...tell me about it. I worry that no one will believe I work.

  7. I've seen the pictures of you working...LOL!!!
    At least, I THINK it was you...LOL!!!

    You need to get yourself a tripod, and then learn how to use the timer on the camera! Then we can see pictures of the two of you working!!

    1. We move around too much and Mike would have a fit if I was trying to set up pictures. I already hear enough of..."put that camera away", lol,.
