
Saturday, March 30, 2013

What Are You Thankful For?

I love spring.  It's time for fresh beginnings, baby animals, and nature blooming. Today I am remembering and thinking that we need to remember to be thankful every single day.  Many times in life we take too many things for granted.

I think it is great to write something down for each day of the year.  What a great way to cheer yourself up when you are feeling bad.

I made a thankful list for each day of November and I wanted to share it now.  We tend to forget about the little things in life that we should be thankful for.  Think about it...we all have something to celebrate every single day no matter how small it may seem.

Today I celebrate and I am thankful that Spring is here:):)

What's on your Thankful List?   

Here is my previous list but I will get started on a new one:)

November Grateful List- a grateful thought each day in November.

November 1
I am thankful to have such a wonderful and loving husband who makes me happy every day!!! I get to spend my life with my best friend:)

November 2
I am thankful that I have a roof over my head and a wood stove and cut wood so I can stay warm.

November 3
I am grateful for my eyes that work. They let me read so many wonderful books and take me to so many cool places:):)

November 4
I am thankful that my stepdaughter and I get along so well. She is coming for breakfast without her kids today. It will be nice to have adult time:)

November 5
 I am so thankful for indoor plumbing:) especially when it is cold outside.

November 6
I am thankful for all the dedicated and caring veterinarians out there. I had to take my little pug, Niki, in for a herniated disc. Her vet seems very optimistic about her recovery. So yes I am thankful for vets and modern medicine which can ease the pain for her.

November 7
I am thankful that we still live in a Free Country. At least more free than many others. We can have our own opinions, even when they are strong ones:) and still rise above. Remember we all have one same goal....we just want to be happy:) and have a future for our children.

November 8
I am very thankful for the small town and community I live in. The people here are very real and hard workers. What you see is what you get. They are not impressed by the house you have, the car you drive, or the clothes and jewelry you wear. They care about the person you are, your values and how you treat others. The don't put up with slackers and whiners. We are a "get r' done" mentality. Neighbors are there for each other and will lend a helping hand if needed.

I like that we can rely on ourselves here to get things done. The old timers say during the Great Depression....they didn't even know it was going on. It didn't affect their lives as they grew their own food, still bartered and took care of themselves.

I like the safety I feel here. The common courtesy and respect here. They are not nosy but genuinely care. It's nice to get a call from the post office that I have a package. It's nice to have a neighbor who will lend a helping hand. It's nice to know if my cows get out, someone will help. It's nice to know if something seems fishy at my place I will get a call from the man across the mountain from me. It's nice to get a call from a neighbor who says "Lisa c'mon over with a shovel and bucket...I got a load of chicken manure and you can take all you want for your garden", lol. 

There are just a lot of really nice, decent down to earth people in my community. I'm glad I chose to learn so many things from these people rather than come in as a NY know it all, lol.

I am happy to be a part of my community:)

November 9
I am thankful for the sun. When I look up at the sky and see the sun shining I feel a burst of energy and I know it's going to be a good day. I am also thankful when the sun is out as I know my solar panels are absorbing it and filling my battery bank. Yay for free electric:):)

November 10
I am thankful for my hearing. I get to hear the music of the world:). 

Some of my favorite things to hear:
Children laughing.
Rain drops falling.
Waves crashing.
Fire crackling.
Music to sing to and dance to.
Birds chirping.
Leaves rustling.
Turkeys clucking.
My pug howling and making me laugh.
The coffee pot dripping.

November 11
I am thankful for the animals. First I love my pug. She makes me laugh all the time. I like being able to watch the deer and turkey on my property as I got to do yesterday:). Of course the cows...well that's a love hate relationship, lol. I like to watch the birds(hummingbirds are neurotic), see the squirrels, and even the mice are long as they stay out of the van:) When I am in FL, I love to see the manatees and the dolphins in my old canal. They are so cool to watch.

Animals brighten our world.

November 12 and it is bill day..Ugh!! I am thankful that my husband and I can pay our bills each month:) I am also thankful that we have the same values about money...."Our security far outweighs anything that money can buy"

November 13
Today and everyday I am thankful that I have no regrets. Of course I have made many mistakes in my life but I don't regret them. I look at it all as the learning lessons of life and since I am very happy with who I am and where I am in life I don't regret a single thing. After all...if I didn't do my life exactly the same way I would not be where I am today.....and I love my "today":D

November 14
I am thankful for lazy mornings spent with my husband. There is heavy frost on the ground outside. My husband and I are toasty warm from the fire he started. We are both drinking coffee and while he watches TV I am online. Of course the dog is snoring away, lol.

November 15
I am thankful for a good night's sleep when I have them. I don’t always have them.

November 16
I am VERY THANKFUL for my good health. I have so many friends and family who are not so fortunate. Sending good thoughts to all who have health issues.

November 17
I am thankful for comfortable road trips. We are gearing up to go south and I am so thankful we can drive in the comfort of our own motorhome with our own bathroom, kitchen and bed:):)

November 18th
I am thankful that my life is very rarely boring. I love life with my husband and being able to try and do so many different things:) Whenever Mike says "I have an idea" I know it's time for another roller coaster ride, lol, and I wouldn't trade with anyone:)

November 19 
I am thankful for Cookies and Holiday baking. I just started baking goodies to make my Christmas Cookie Plates to give away. I have to start early since we will be on the road before Christmas. So far I have chocolate chip cookies and snickerdoodles made. I made the dough for chocolate crinkles and oatmeal/cranberry/white chip cookies which will be baked today. Later on I will make some mini pecan pie muffins and molasses cookies. Closer to the giveaway day I will make buckeyes, raspberry thumbprints, and mounds bars. And for my friend's fur babies they will be getting homemade peanut butter dog bones. Niki loves those:)

Here is the recipe for the Peanut Butter Dog Treats:)

2 cups whole-wheat flour
1 tbsp baking powder
1 cup peanut butter
1 cup skim milk

Preheat oven to 375 degrees. In a bowl, combine flour and baking powder. In another bowl, mix peanut butter and milk. Add wet mixture to dry, and mix well.

Turn out dough on a lightly floured surface and knead. Roll out to 1/4-inch thickness and cut out shapes. Place on a greased baking sheet and bake 20 minutes or until lightly brown. Cool on a rack and store in an airtight container.

November 20
I am thankful for hair dye, lol. I did my hair last night and I look at least 5 years younger:):) I'm glad it's done.....I really hate primping...Ugh!!!!

Why is it guys can get away with it and look "distinguished" while women just look old with gray hair???

November 21
I am thankful for all of my friends. I have real friends throughout the country and also many "invisible" cyber friends who I hope to meet someday:) Did somebody say road trip, lol?

November 22...Thanksgiving Day
I am thankful to be invited to my stepdaughter's house for a Thanksgiving feast:)...and thankful for the abundance of food today. Anyone have Tums, lol?

November 23
The Infamous Black Friday and I am so glad that I hate shopping and I won't be one of those crazy fools out in the stores today to buy crap I don't need, lol. I am thankful I have everything I need and I'm not a slave to consumerism:):)

November 24 
I am thankful for my parents. My father for the stability and calm logic that I got from him. My mother, who I was raised by, for her craziness and funniness. I may not have had a regular upbringing but there was a lot of laughter and I was taught some simple things that seemed to have missed a lot of adults out there:shocked: My mother taught me to be nice and respectful to others by example. She taught me manners. She taught me how to cook, clean and do I was better prepared to live on my own. She taught me to drive, a little early, lol, but hey I knew how to drive:). She took me to casinos and taught me about gambling, again too early but it was fun, lol. She taught me about paying bills and about bouncing checks:eek: Yeah sometimes I was more of the adult than her but I look back on the good of my childhood. There was a lot of laughter and a lot of good and I don't carry any baggage from my past. I CHOOSE to remember the "good" and not dwell on the bad. So thank you dad for giving my my steady personality and thank you mom for being a little was fun a lot of the time:)

November 25
I am thankful for the joy and laughter in my life. I find something every day to laugh about....hence my laugh lines, lol. This morning I woke up to my hubby making me laugh. He is good for my well being and my soul:):) 

Try to find something to laugh at every day....either a joke or a video:)

November 26 
I am thankful that my local university offers Craft Enrichment classes. Next spring my stepdaughter and I are taking the glass fusing and slumping class:):) I love how this stuff looks. Maybe the next class will be welding:)

November 27 
I am thankful for libraries that are full of books. Oh how I love to read. Forget the calgon, lol, books take me away to so many cool, interesting, and crazy places. I love reading:):) In desperation I will read all brochures and even yellow pages while on vacation, lol. I's a sickness but I learn so much as long as it's what "I" want to read:):)

November 28 
I am thankful that I am not prejudiced. I have respect for all people regardless of color, race, religious beliefs, sexual preferences, income, shape, size.....whatever you are and whatever your beliefs are. I believe that we are all “human” and we all want the same things out of live it the best way we can and to try to be happy. It is not my job to judge especially when I don’t know someone. I try to walk in someone else’s shoes before I decide to like them or not, lol.

Do not hate...I also believe in Karma:):)

November 29 
I am thankful for the thoughtful people in my life. This week I stopped at the farm supply and my friends gave me a dozen farm fresh eggs....just laid that morning:):) and they taste delicious. Last night my stepdaughter gave me a sampling of the soaps she made and they smell so good:ok:. She gave me a Lavender and Tea Tree Shampoo Bar, a Lemongrass Kitchen and Bath Hand Soap, and a Grapefruit and Loofah Exfoliating Bar.:):) Can't wait to try them.


  1. Top of the list is always FAMILY!
    Then I gotta go with Health.
    I'm a pretty happy guy, so that is something to be thankful for too!
    I have a lovely wife, who for 33 years has made me the happy guy that I am...:-)
    We have a wonderful 3 year old grandson, who had kept me young, while making me feel old at times, trying to keep up with him..LOL!!

    Also thankful for finding Mike & Lisa's World, and being able to enjoy your adventures and projects. I will probably never get to do all those things now, but many of them were on my "to do" list30 years ago!

    1. That is wonderful. Yeah the grands do you keep you young and make you feel old at the same time. I have to get lessons for using electronics from my 8 year old granddaughter...Ugh!!!, lol.

      Keep on being happy and appreciate what you have. As Mike says "the grass isn't always greener on the other side."

    2. Great list Lisa, thanks for sharing it...and I want to tell you that #1 is worth more than all the rest. At least, I suspect it is...all I know from experience is that being married to the wrong person is not exactly energizing and uplifting. But I always feel so happy for someone when they say they are married to their best friend, because I am glad to know that true love does exist in this world. :)

    3. Thank you. Yes number one is on my thankful list every day:)

  2. All too often in this crazy, busy world we life in we tend to forget all the blessing that we in Canada and the US have. We have more freedoms and choices than most people in the world. If we are willing to work and put a little effort into our lives, we want for very little.

    The biggest joy in my life is my daughter. And although I am on my own now ... she is my whole reason for living. She has grown up to be a wonderful, loving and responsible daughter that I am very proud of. I am very fortunate that I had a good job that afforded me a good living and a fantastic pension. I am now reaping the benefits and take nothing for granted. I know that there are many less fortunate than myself.

    Thanks for sharing your many blessings Lisa and Mike. Sometime we all need that a little reminder that sometimes it is just the every day little things that make us who we are.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. We do tend to forget how bad it "could" be. I try to be thankful about something each day. Sometimes if I have had a bad day I even have a talk with myself, lol. Just basically have nothing to down about so get over it girl:)
