
Sunday, March 3, 2013

Florida Flip 2...New Kitchen Walls and Porcelain Tile

Florida Flip 2...New Kitchen Walls and Porcelain Tile

Hello everyone. It's time for another part of our story. This is the last work we did the first winter we were in FL. We weren't supposed to work on this house at all the first year. We were supposed to do one house per winter for fun...but Mike and I never know how to stop Oh well, when we come back in the will be easy to finish.

Now that we have everything gutted we are ready for the new drywall and some of the finish work and painting

The studs are up and the electric is in for the new kitchen walls.

Mike and I hire out for the drywall and finish work. It is much easier and faster for people who do it all the time.

Kevin starts hanging drywall in the new kitchen area.

The kitchen walls are done.

Kevin patching the ceiling.

The bathroom walls are done.

And the bathroom ceiling.

The ceiling out in the main living area.

Our new post that had to be installed for the electric that will go to the new kitchen island.

The back of the new kitchen wall going down the short hallway to the laundry room. Another bonus of this house. The laundry room is inside Many of them here are in the garage.

Kevin spray texturing the ceiling.

Kevin is done so it's time for Mike and I to work. Now we can paint the house We stay with white because people usually see it as a clean slate. It isn't offensive to most people and you can very easily change it if you want to

First Mike and I move our temporary kitchen into the master bedroom. We don't want anything in our way.

We tape everything off and get started.

Mike spraying the ceiling.

As usual I do the trim.

Mike rolling the dining room area.

We went back and forth on what kind of floor to do. The last house we did had a very thick warm carpet. This house we want to keep light and bright. We chose an 18" Italian porcelain tile for the main living area.

And it's going to be a lot of work

Mike mixing the thin set for laying the tile.

Moving right along....and we need to move the refrigerator into the garage

And one more thing has to be moved out of the room so we can finish

I am spreading the thin set one of the last rows for the living room.

And the work continues. We lay the tile in the remainder of the living area. It was a big job for us. I don't think Mike and I will do that again.

After all of the tile was set with the thin set, we had to grout...the whole floor.

Mike filling in some grout.

And another view of the whole floor. Once it is all clean it will have a beautiful shine.

That's all for this story. We are almost finished with the inside of the house. The hard stuff is done Next time we will be working on the kitchen.

I hope you all enjoyed the story.


  1. I'm curious,and no I'm not a painter and honestly don't know the answer. Why does Mike sometimes spray paint on the walls and other times roll and brush? I first thought about that question on your house in TN with all the grooves in the wood and you out there with a brush filling them all in. Wouldn't a sprayer make shorter work of it?

    1. depends on a few different things. The sprayer is great for a smooth finish and a fast job but it goes through more paint, it's a hassle to get it primed and started sometimes(because we don't use it often), and it is a mess to clean. Hand painting is much easier to set up and we can start immediately.

      Usually we prefer the roller and brush. As for the house in TN, the sprayer doesn't get all of the nooks and crannies in the T-1 11, the siding. The sprayer does work best for the shipping containers though. It gives them a very smooth finish.

      I hope that helps.
