
Saturday, February 23, 2013

Chapter 88...Humidity Problems

Off Grid...Chapter 88

Since the paving is done and Mike and I decided to take down the temporary fence. This was one of those jobs that should have been quick and easy. Well it was easy just not as quick as we thought. It's much faster to unroll 1800 feet of wore than it is to roll it back up neatly. Mike took one side and I took the other side.

Mike taking down the first part of the fence with Niki supervising, lol.

We went down the driveway once and back up. We have one more string to get but today is a scorcher and we had to take a heat break. On our second round, Mike worked on the wire while I went down and took all of the t-posts out. Once I got them all out of the ground, I carried them back up top and then hosed them all off. That was one heck of a workout, lol. It took me about 5 times going back and forth carrying the t-posts while my faithful pug watched. Smart dog!!!

We got all of the fencing taken down.

Now I just hope when they come back to do the curbing we didn't act too soon. I'm crossing my fingers the cows stay away.

Since we've had more than 24 hours with no rain, woo hoo, it's time to mow the other property. What a mess. It took us 3 hours this time and it still looks rough.

Once we got home I started cutting back and cleaning out my gardens. I like the summer vegetables best so I won';t be doing any Fall gardening. I can't wait for next Spring. I have learned so much this year from my first garden.

While I did that, Mike added more rock to our ditch. It was a little tricky because he can't drive the tractor on the paved part of the driveway. He has to drive up the steep side of the driveway on the grass so he can dump the rock. I told him to be careful.

He went down to the rock pile, picked up rock in the bucket, and brought it back up to the ditch and dropped it in. He is at a very steep part so he can't bring the tractor all the way up. He will have to dump the rock where he can and then move it around by hand.

Mike taking rock to the ditch.

Dumping it in.

And moving the rock by hand.

Mike dumped about 5 bucket loads today.

We spent the morning defrosting the refrigerator. Ah such an exciting job, lol. It's a necessary evil but at least I always have a clean refrigerator.

Later we met the Geezers at the land they bought. We walked the property with them and they have a very nice, private, wooded piece. They have so many plans for their property. I am very excited for them and I hope all of their dreams come true. Maybe they will start a story when I am done with mine.

Today Mike drove me to Elizabethton for a re check on one of my medical tests. I had no idea he was so nervous until I came out and told him I was ok. Now that that is over we stop at the Lowe's there to look at Kool Seal for our roof. We found the screw that is causing the leak. We fixed that and now we are hoping the Kool seal will really coat the roof and also help with the sound of the heavy rain. The pitter patter rain is soothing. It's the downpours I hate. This Lowe's doesn't carry the real "Kool Seal" so we will see if we can get the real stuff closer to home.

It rained today. Yuck! We found a family of mice in the metal building. They actually chewed through the metal grate on the outside of the building door that is 8 feet off the ground. He got some traps and set those out. He also shot 2 with the BB gun.

Not much today. We got in some mowing and went to pick up some heavy duty metal to replace the screen on the building door. Mike got all of the mice now we just have to keep them out.

Since it has rained so much this year and our house is so air tight we are having a minor moisture problem in our bedroom. Our 2 bedroom nightstands, and only the nightstands, smell a little moldy. We took them both outside and cleaned them with a little bleach and water and let them dry in the sun. There is no mold or problems on our back wall, the floor, or any of the other furniture. It's a very strange thing. There is just some mold on the wood on the nightstands. The armories and the bed are also fine.

We think it could be a problem in the back of our bedroom because that is the only part of the house that has no venting. The bathroom has the vent and the office is open to the rafters inside the closets.

I asked Mike if we could replace a couple of the ceiling tile with the ones with grates. He said that is a great idea and we should get some. So it's off to the store.

Here is Mike putting in one of the grates.

Both grates are in above where our nightstands are.

Hopefully this will help air out the bedroom a little. Mike also told me about a man he used to know who used charcoal in bowls to absorb moisture. I'll have to check into that.


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