
Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Chapter 47...Lining Pantry Shelves and Bracing Wind Generator

Off Grid...Chapter 47

It's been another week where we couldn't do any outside work. Mike and I decided to get some of the "fun, lol" things in life out of the way.

Monday- It was a cold and dreary day. We worked on a small project in the kitchen. When Mike made more shelves for my kitchen pantry we just installed the raw wood. Today we decided to cover them with the contact paper that we bought. First we had to unload all the canned good one shelf at a time.

Taking the first shelf out.

Mike covering the first shelf.

The first shelf back in the pantry.

Tuesday was a wonderful day because I had to go to the Dentist. Oh joy. I went to town and went to the dentist which wasn't bad except for my wallet. After the Dentist I went to the "big" library and got a new card. Woo hoo. More books for me. I was in heaven.

Wednesday it didn't look too bad outside. After breakfast we loaded up the trailer with all the garbage and stopped at the barn on the way out. We had all the cardboard from our furniture still in the barn. We loaded that up and headed to the dump. By the time we got to the dump it was windy and rainy. Yuk. On the way home we stopped to check on our other property. Ah, finally we got enough water for the pond and smaller creek to re-fill. The fish should be very happy.

That night it got very windy and we were concerned about the larger wind generator. We have had so much ground saturation between the snow and the rain that the wind generator moved and tilted. Mike said we had to go up and do a temporary fix. Eventually we will be moving it to another location. So we grabbed the flashlight and the tractor keys and headed up.

Here is Mike setting the tractor bucket against the wind generator pole. This will hold it for now.

Thursday I had to get up very early to take Niki to the vet for shots and a bath. I dropped her off and did some more shopping for my pantry.

Friday we spent cleaning and organizing. Our grandson, A.J., came over and spent the night. It was his first time staying in our new house. I made brownies and his favorite "pizza chicken" for the occasion. We had a really nice time. He was really, really good.

Saturday we got up earlier than usual with A.J. We all had a big breakfast then we took him home. Our granddaughter was sick so we didn't stay long.

Sunday. Oh no. I have a sore throat and an earache. Not good. On the bright side I planned my garden or at least I am working on it. I decided to do the "Square Foot Garden" using three 4x4 beds. Has anyone done this? I will be growing tomatoes, beans, cukes, lettuce, spinach, peppers, carrots, zucchini, and yellow squash. I have my drawings all done and I am very excited. Spring, where are you?

Mike is also starting to get sick so I made a big "mama Leonie" pot of soup to get us through.

Soon it will be warm and we will have more work and more pictures. We have so much to do outside we will be busy for months. We can't wait. This sitting around is driving us crazy.


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