
Monday, February 25, 2013

Chapter 125...Turkeys, Deer, Snow and Mountains

Off Grid...Chapter 125

It has been a wonderful and very mild winter. Mike and I have been super busy in March so I better finish up with February February was mostly about cutting wood and cleaning up. Fortunately we didn't need all of the wood we cut.

Before I start that let me tell you about the new RV refrigerator in case anyone else runs into this problem. We had trouble getting the freezer to get cold enough and the refrigerator was too cold and freezing things like celery and lettuce. We called our supplier and they sent us a new thermistor. Mike installed it and it fixed the problem. It now runs fine and I can switch back and forth from propane to electric with one button We should have done this in the first place

OK...onto some pictures.

We had a trailer full of wood from the buckeye tree to bring down to the house.

Mike is cutting it up into smaller chunks to fit our wood stove.

Stacking it up in front of the house. We will have to come up with a better place for our wood for next winter.

Our turkeys are back....I am so glad they made it through the winter alive

And another trip down to the pond to clean top the old buckeye mess.

Mike drags out vines that we stored in the barn. We have to take these to the burn pile.

Once the trailer is loaded we take them to the burn pile and I start to unload the vines.

Yay..the vines are done. Now it's time to clean up the wood and shavings around the buckeye site.

Mike can't stand looking at that "bright white" stump so he wants to cover it.

He shovels up some mud and throws it on top of the stump.

And then he smears the mud around. Yup...that should work

Niki loves...and I mean loves the wood stove. Unfortunately she thinks she can lean against it so we had to come up with a way to protect her.

Here she is enjoying the heat but blocked off from the danger of leaning against it.


Wow it is a beautiful day. Mike, Niki and I go out back behind the house to cut some more wood. We have so much down on the back hill and it's pretty easy to get to

Mike cutting up some wood.

The hill I have to throw it down. Sometimes it takes me 3 throws to get it to the bottom of the backyard

As you can see Niki must be tired that day. She did not follow us "up" the hill. She decided to wait for us in the yard. I think she may be the smart one, lol.

After we get the wood thrown down the back hill, it's time to load it into the tractor bucket to bering it to the house.

Mike loading up while Niki supervises.

And the next two days after such beautiful weather we got snow

The second day. I may not like it but it sure is pretty.

After it all melted we got back to our beautiful weather and more wood cutting We went back to the section behind the barn where a big tree fell a couple of years ago...or was it last year Anyway, this huge tree fell on top of briar bushes...not fun to cut and clean up. Mike worked on cutting while I had to throw the wood into a gully. Then I had to get into the gully and throw the wood back "up" to where the trailer was. That day was one heck of a workout

Now I will leave you with the deer that we saw right outside the front door.

That's all for now. I really had only wood cutting pictures for the whole month and it is just not that exciting, lol. I hope you enjoyed the story.

Right now Mike and I are building a big shed with mega shelves. I will write about that in a couple of weeks.



  1. Love the pictures with the dark blue sky/ Gorgeous!!

    1. A photographer's paradise. Some day I will have time to look into doing some real photography.
