
Monday, February 25, 2013

Chapter 117...Getting Ready For Paving...Another Culvert Installed

Off Grid... Chapter 117

Hello everyone. Whew...we are finally getting some cooler weather Mike wore a sweatshirt this morning

We are getting ready for our third portion of paving so we need to make sure the driveway is ready.

We got a call first thing this morning. Brian is ready to work with the backhoe. We have 4 culverts across the way. Mike wants Brian to take one of those 20 foot culverts out and bring it back here to install across our driveway. Mike meets Brian and they get to work. Unfortunately the culvert was too long for our trailer so Mike ended up dragging it back tot he property

Once they get back here, I go down to see if I can help.

Brian is ready with the culvert.

Brian starts digging and what do you know, we hit another spring.

Another view.

Mike in the ditch checking it out.

Time to lift the culvert.

And put it in.

Once we get it in, we realize it isn't quite long enough to make it across the driveway Mike asked me to go and measure the culvert we have leftover in the barn to see if we can attach it to this one. While I do that, Brian starts to cover the culvert.

I get back with the measurement. We have a winner. Both culverts are the same diameter so we can use it. Mike and I walk down to the barn and take out another culvert which is 8 feet. Brian follows us and picks it up with the backhoe. Back to the ditch.

Brain puts the culvert into the ditch.

Mike and I get the two culverts connected and Brian covers them up.

The culvert is in and Brian finishes covering them.

While Brian was working the backhoe, Mike and I were getting rocks together. We need to add rocks to the front and bottom end of the new culvert. This will keep the mud out.

This is the bottom side of the culvert. Mike and I threw rocks into it not thinking about the spring. Now we have to get this rock out and then place it.

We pick up more rock for the ends of the pipe.

Mike working on the sides to make it nice. We will leave the middle bottom open for now and let it clean out.

The road is almost back to normal.

We are done for today. Here are a couple of pictures of my garden. I think I planted too much this year


Today we got the paving estimate. We are on for next week Mike calls Eric, the cow people's son to ask for help with a temp fence. The cows cannot go on the fresh pavement. Mike also can't drive his tractor on it for the rest of the year They will be here over the weekend

Mike has been working on cutting up some shingles to make a kind of ridge cap for the back of our house. He doesn't like the metal.

The cow family shows up and we all put up the new temp electric fence. This should keep the cows off The only thing I hate is now I have to open and close 4 gates to get in and out of the property Just call me the gate lady

Mike took the metal off the back of the house and starts to put on the shingle caps.

Nailing them on.

All of his cut shingles.

And cleaning up after he is done.

Other than that we did the usual. Cleaning and running around. We looked at a neighbor's property. We also went to check out a cabin from a local builder. They had a cabin that was about 16x28 and they wanted $30,000. for it Mike and I could build that for so much less.

That's all for this week. Next week it's time for paving.



  1. A cabin?? Really? Where the heck would you put a cabin? I recall you mentioning something about a cabin early on ... do you have another property that you would want to develop?

    1. Yes we have another 4 1/2 aces in a trout creek. Mike and I would like to build cabins on it and either rent them or sell them. Depending on the weather this year we hope to get that started...well after we build our store. Store first and then the cabins.
