
Monday, October 9, 2017

Well Issues, Cleaning Up and Prepping My Garden

Just taking some time to catch up on our projects for 2017. 

We called Jimmy to see if he could help us lift the well pump out of the ground to see what the problem was.  He has always been a good guy and sent Johnny over and then showed up later with Randy.  They had an awesome set up that was like a pulley system to pull the well pump out of the ground.  Sorry no pictures because I was getting parts.  Anyway when they got the pump put of the ground there was a hole in one of the fittings and it was completely rusted through.  Since Mike had a back up pump he decided to just swap it out for now.  How on earth a fitting that is supposed to be underground for a well rusted through is beyond me.  We will test and fix the old pump at another time but for now we have a new pump in the ground.

Mike digging for the water lines for our new well and tank set up:

Mike looks cold, lol.  He's making a new box to cover the well parts:

Our new set up nice and neat, just waiting for insulation and a cover:

Of course Niki girl making sure we do things right:

Taking out the hollies which never did anything for the house:

Mike using the reciprocating saw as these are stubborn:

Almost finished with all the bushes:

Covering the holes with dirt and we will let the grass grow in:

And then off the trimming Mike's hedges:

And on the solar building:

Little Niki:

We decided to change the outside of the house.  We want to make it lighter and cheerier.  He are some of our paint choices:

Yay...time to get my garden ready:)  Rotating the soil inside the cage:

Making it neat and ready for my plants:

Covering the walkways so i don't have a mess:

Just waiting for planting time:

Next up....time to change our old awning.